Predator g9-793 - how to make fans blow out air?

MakoShinra Member Posts: 3 New User
editado March 2023 em Arquivo de 2017

My room is pretty dusty and want to blow out any dust that has accumulated inside the laptop, but dont see how i can get the fans to blow out.

Melhor resposta

  • MakoShinra
    MakoShinra Member Posts: 3 New User
    Responder ✓

    never mind, typed Acer in search, and found "dust defender"


  • MakoShinra
    MakoShinra Member Posts: 3 New User
    Responder ✓

    never mind, typed Acer in search, and found "dust defender"

  • Flx
    Flx Member Posts: 466 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Glad you found it. Another thing to fight against dust build-up is to blow out your fans/cooler manually with a can of compressed air once a month or so. Make sure to brace the fans so they don't spin freely as this can cause damage.