ACER E1-572-6830

Bacterzin Member Posts: 1 New User
editado May 2023 em Arquivo de 2017

Hi guys, hope you could help me out.


A friend of mine has an Acer Laptop model E1-572-6830.

It comes with Windows 8 license.


Recently, she updated to Windows 10 and had some issues, so she asked me to format it and use another Windows 7 Ultimate license as the new Operational System. Since I like doing it properly, I started from the beginning by formatting and clearing all partitions to create them back.


Everything went fine and the license was running perfectly.

Unfortunatelly, due to my own fault, I wasn't payign the most of attentions and downloaded every single driver for this model out of Acer's website. By doing so, I also downloaded the BIOS for this model and started the driver installation by this one. Athough, something gone wrong. After executing the BIOS installation, the computer started booting and foudn an error. It now only presents me the option to boot from Network adapter's.


I have tried and downloaded all BIOS files on the website and tried to flash recover it through the method below which I've seen around:


Using an USB pen drive with the BIOS in it named as BIOS.fd.

Unplugged everything off of the computer (including the battery), and released all the energy through holding down the power button. After this step was done, I plugged the pend drive, held down FN + Esc keys and plugged the energy back. Pressed power button and after the fan started cooling, released the keys and let the computer do it's reading.

This method is pretty interesting, seems to work with other Acer models, but with this one, the flash drive keeps reading and reading, never terminating. I have tried with the root version of the BIOS and with all the 3 firmware updates, none of them every finished reading and worked.

I don't really know what to do now to try and recover the machine, maybe with another version of the BIOS?


Links I used to get the BIOS from:


Find below some images of how it looks:


WhatsApp Image 2017-06-15 at 12.56.10.jpegWhatsApp Image 2017-06-15 at 12.56.10 (1).jpeg