Terrible FPS on all games (Predator 15 G9-591-70VM)

nabby Member Posts: 4 New User
editado March 2023 em Arquivo de 2017

Having terrible fps issues on all my games. For example, I am getting around 40 to 50 fps on CSGO down to 15 frames on games like Dead by Daylight. This happens on all visual settings (actually gets worse on lower settings). Looking at my core and memory clock, I am only getting 540 and 2200 respectively. This is the underlying issue in my mind. I have tried disabling my integrated GPU but turning that off doesnt allow the 970m to run, it actually says that it isnt hooked up to a display when I turn off the integrated. Help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Melhor resposta

  • nabby
    nabby Member Posts: 4 New User
    Responder ✓

    After having multiple issues with my laptop as a whole, especially regarding my clock and memory core, I decided to do a full recovery, and ultimately a reinstallation of windows10 on my system. This is not a perfect solution, or elegant one at that, for the problem that I had, but now my system is working as it should be. I am getting 200+ frames and my core clock is now where is should be, right in the 1100 range. I hope that others dont have to resort to this when trying to fix a similar issue, but it did resolve my own. 


  • ChevyCam94
    ChevyCam94 Member Posts: 178 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon

    What do you mean you disabled your iGPU?  Did you use the macro key to swtich from "switchable graphics" to "dedicated graphics"?


    Hitting that until only 1 cpu chip icon appears is what you want.  That will run off the 970m only.  You might tweak your settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel as well.  The stock values arent necessarily the best for every game.

  • nabby
    nabby Member Posts: 4 New User
    Responder ✓

    After having multiple issues with my laptop as a whole, especially regarding my clock and memory core, I decided to do a full recovery, and ultimately a reinstallation of windows10 on my system. This is not a perfect solution, or elegant one at that, for the problem that I had, but now my system is working as it should be. I am getting 200+ frames and my core clock is now where is should be, right in the 1100 range. I hope that others dont have to resort to this when trying to fix a similar issue, but it did resolve my own. 

  • ChevyCam94
    ChevyCam94 Member Posts: 178 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    Did you restore from a factory image, or a generic Win10 install DVD?
  • sufyannisar
    sufyannisar Member Posts: 4 New User

    Did you used acer recovery or Clean installed the windows from Windows Boot Media ?
    Please responde i am having the same issue and its getting on my nerves.. Smiley Sad

  • nabby
    nabby Member Posts: 4 New User

    This problem occured multiple months ago for me so I am somewhat fuzzy as to what I did to recover my system. If I remember correctly, I simply was forced to do a clean install of windows and had to re-download all of my programs and such. It is a huge pain and waste of time but I believe it is the only real solution that I came across. I would not recommend acer recovery unless you have somehow backed up your files and programs through that somehow. If I also remember correctly, I simply did a system, factory restore so I don't remember if I had to reinstall windows completely. If I did, it was not with a DVD. I hope that helps and feel free to message me back. 

  • sufyannisar
    sufyannisar Member Posts: 4 New User
    Thanks friend. Smiley Happy
    I am doing a clean install now after countless hours of applying other solutions.
  • nabby
    nabby Member Posts: 4 New User

    Good luck, I hope it works out for you Smiley Happy

  • PeterBartolomeo
    PeterBartolomeo Member Posts: 3 New User

    did you run make clean install of windows? I have the same problem and I despaired

  • sufyannisar
    sufyannisar Member Posts: 4 New User

    In my case, the issue was CPU Throttling. The games started with awesome FPS but it would drop down with time.

    I bought a Cooling pad and it solved the problem.