The sequence of numbers 1, 4, 8, 6 follows an imaginary pattern in your mind and on the phone's keyboard: =)
If you are on the old TH2 build of Windows 10 Mobile (10586.x), you have to use the Device Portal to install the .appxbundle file in your phone: NB. To connect to Device Portal, you have to enable "Device discovery" and…
I've installed the new build 14393.2551 of Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update. Everything works fine. I love this phone! =)
I've installed the latest build 14393.2485 with success (via registry edit =)). Everything works fine. The Camera app has the version 2017.1003.21.2000. The focus speed has been improved a lot since months ago
Have you tried to remove the SIM and SD Card?
With the today's update (via registry change =)), now I'm on this new build 14393.2431. This beautiful phone still works great on Anniversary Update! Acer and Microsoft should absolutely release it officially.
To install the latest cumulative update for Acer Liquid Jade Primo on Anniversary Update, follow these easy steps: From your PC 1. Download Interop Tools from your PC, extract the file InteropToolsApp_1.9.437.0_arm.appxbundle and copy it on your OneDrive From your Phone 2. Go on your phone and download the…
I have just installed the new July 2018 Update (build 14393.2363) on my Acer Liquid Jade Primo. As usual, everything works great!
To install the latest cumulative update for Acer Liquid Jade Primo on Anniversary Update, follow these easy steps: From your PC 1. Download from your PC, extract the file InteropToolsApp_1.9.437.0_arm.appxbundle and copy it on your OneDrive From your Phone 2. Go on your phone and download the…
I only used the most recent builds (14393.953 and above) and never had this issue
Try to install the latest build 14393.2189 via Interop Tools using the registry values from Lumia 730 Dual Sim: HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo PhoneHardwareVariant: RM-1040 PhoneManufacturer: NOKIA PhoneManufacturerModelName: RM-1040_1020 PhoneModelName: Lumia 730 Dual Sim After the update, you have to restore…
I've installed the new April cumulative update, so now I'm on the build 14393.2189. Everything works fine. I recommend it! Acer and Microsoft should release this update officially, so we don't need to edit the registry to install it.
Yes, you have to temporarly change the registry to "Lumia 730 Dual Sim" to get the latest cumulative update for Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update (build 14393.2126). After that, restore the original values.
Gestern habe ich den neuen Build 14393.2126 erfolgreich installiert. Dieses Telefon funktioniert gut mit diesem Build!
Yesterday I installed the new build 14393.2126 with success. This phone works great with this build!
Yes, the new Microsoft Store is available on Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update. All apps receive the same updates.
Halten Sie den Netzschalter länger als 10 Sekunden gedrückt und versuchen Sie es dreimal. Es wird erneut gestartet
Even without having the official Acer support, you can still upgrade to the latest build of Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update in this way: 1. Use the Windows Insider app to upgrade from the build 10586.545 to 14393.67 2. Exit from the Insider Program 3. Use the Interop Tools app to download the latest cumulative update…
Ich habe den neuesten Build 14393.1944 über Interop Tools mit den Registrierungswerten von Lumia 730 Dual Sim installiert: HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo PhoneHardwareVariant: RM-1040 PhoneManufacturer: NOKIA PhoneManufacturerModelName: RM-1040_1020 PhoneModelName: Lumia 730 Dual Sim Nach diesem Update habe ich…
I've just installed the latest build 14393.1944 via Interop Tools using the registry values from Lumia 730 Dual Sim: HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo PhoneHardwareVariant: RM-1040 PhoneManufacturer: NOKIA PhoneManufacturerModelName: RM-1040_1020 PhoneModelName: Lumia 730 Dual Sim After this update, I've restored…