I try more times and finally it works, thank you very much, now I can finish my work, thanks another time, you saved me, thank you.
De acuerdo, Ivan, eso hare, gracias por tu ayuda, lo raro es que fue al actualizar la bios desde el firmware oficial, he vuelto a leer el readme y a descargar el archivo, y no hay nada que diga que se aplicara una contraseña, hay algo que no me cuadra en que se haya puesto la contraseña, sin yo haber tocado nada antes.
It don't work, I don't know what to do, thank you
Thanks, I should try it now
Hi. it's this password, but before upgrade the bios it didn't appeared, I install windows and I can't enter to the bios, so in that moment I flash de new bios and I reboot the system when it finished, now it appears this password, I look at the acer web and the readme that comes with the bios firmware and didn't appear…
Before this I don't have any password* sorry, I have a confusion