For clarification - the "USB HUB" in which you are asking about - (similar listing in your Device Manager) and not an external usb hub?
update —- So knowing that a clean install was the only option (in theory), there was no way I could loose the files on the drive… So thankfully there is a slot for a 2nd m.2 and I had to wait a few days to order it. Easy Peasy install! So smooth and hassle free. thank you all for the input and support. Oh fyi - if your…
Thank you so very much for the solution , which is exactly what I was hoping to avoid but inevitably I knew that was probably going to be how it had to be done. I always second-guess myself anyways. I was hoping and praying I did not have to go that route because yes I do have countless hours of coding and scripting that…
Lol, Sorry about that..Because of my computer problems I’m using the forums from a small iPhone 7 and have to use talk to text. While American English is my first language, but my phone does not Understand me half the time. My apologies :)