Acer Predator Helios 300 G3-572: Gaming Reviews
Member Publicaciones: 73 Devotee
I have a few questions for you regarding the gaming performance of G3-572, if you've used it.
I have a few questions for you regarding the gaming performance of G3-572, if you've used it.
- What's the average FPS on most high end games?
- How well does your laptop handle the heat when playing these games?
- What games gave you the best and smoothest experience?
- What games couldn't run smooth and lagged at ultra-high settings?
Also, Suggest ways to improve the FPS and how you can make the optimal use of Predator Sense to make the most out of the powerful processors.
...Just another overly curious guy.
Mine reached 60 fps (I cap them to reduce heat) on every game I tried except Ark-Survival evolved, which is very poorly optimized. Even then at max settings it didn't go below 35 fps. I tried game s like Goat Simulator, LoL, and CS:GO.
Edit-It handles heat well once it is capped. Forgot to mention this.0