Acer Predator Helios 300 G3-572: Gaming Reviews

Sushant_ Member Publicaciones: 73 Devotee WiFi Icon
editado March 2023 en Archivo del 2017
I have a few questions for you regarding the gaming performance of G3-572, if you've used it.
  • What's the average FPS on most high end games?
  • How well does your laptop handle the heat when playing these games?
  • What games gave you the best and smoothest experience?
  • What games couldn't run smooth and lagged at ultra-high settings?
Also, Suggest ways to improve the FPS and how you can make the optimal use of Predator Sense to make the most out of the powerful processors.
<3 ...Just another overly curious guy.


  • CydiaNinja
    CydiaNinja Member Publicaciones: 6 New User
    editado December 2017
    Mine reached 60 fps (I cap them to reduce heat) on every game I tried except Ark-Survival evolved, which is very poorly optimized. Even then at max settings it didn't go below 35 fps. I tried game s like Goat Simulator, LoL, and CS:GO.

    Edit-It handles heat well once it is capped. Forgot to mention this.