acer 5253 memory upgrade problem

Zagicien Member Publicaciones: 3 New User
editado March 2023 en Archivo del 2017

I added two memory modules of 4Gb to my laptop acer 5253
To my surprise, windows only uses half of it.

I would like to use all of the RAM installed but I can not.
I'm on Windows 8 9200 64 Bits    (sorry if this picture is in french)

My computer (Acer 5253) supports 8Gb of RAM  (

(reconnecting, alternating) the memory modules  doesn't work.
Can you help me ?





Mejor respuesta

  • Zagicien
    Zagicien Member Publicaciones: 3 New User
    Respuesta ✓

    Problem Solved!
    - a faulty memory module
    They were in their packaging and were new. I don't understand why but Im happy to have found the problem.

    I tested the memory modules one by one and the computer didn't want to start with one of the two memory modules.


  • EliteMan
    EliteMan Member Publicaciones: 31 New User

    In this website I have found a way:


    "Control panel->system->avdanced system settings->advanced->performance settings->advanced->virtual memory change-> uncheck automatically manage, and set the pagefile to whatever you want. I would NOT recommending setting no pagefile, as should you go near 8GB, you would get an error, but you could certainly do it."


    The article was made 5 years ago so try if you would like but if it doesn't work I don't think that you could use  most of your ram unless you're doing some heavy tasks. 

  • Zagicien
    Zagicien Member Publicaciones: 3 New User

    It doesn't work for me Smiley Sad

    The problem is elsewhere.

  • Zagicien
    Zagicien Member Publicaciones: 3 New User
    Respuesta ✓

    Problem Solved!
    - a faulty memory module
    They were in their packaging and were new. I don't understand why but Im happy to have found the problem.

    I tested the memory modules one by one and the computer didn't want to start with one of the two memory modules.