Michael_k Member Publicaciones: 4 New User
editado March 2023 en Archivo del 2016

After win10 update having some errors: Camera Sensor OV2722 DEVICE_POWER_FAILURE  code:0xA00F4244(0xC00D36D5) plus Windows Store Apss cache is damaged. Already tryed downloading drivers from Acer, also tryed troubleshooting, I even made hard reset.
Any suggestions please?


Macine: Aspire SW5-012PMichael's Notebook.url


  • shahg
    shahg Member Publicaciones: 1 New User

    same problem with me i am shahz khan from pakistan plz help me out of this if any one got idea or solution for this probblem.

  • Michael_k
    Michael_k Member Publicaciones: 4 New User

    Sorry Sang here is no solution yet, it's been 5 month since my camera stoped working, I read tons of articles, tryed hard resset + registery editing an so on...


    1 person bought a new cam, paid reaplacament fee, and sitll he had the same problem.


    I will buy new pc but the Acer.


    Can you share, when your cam stoped workin, and what your os and pc model?

  • Hiena13
    Hiena13 Member Publicaciones: 2 New User

    I have same problem. I dont know the acer why dont able to solve this problem. I DONT BUY THIS MADE.

  • Michael_k
    Michael_k Member Publicaciones: 4 New User

    I will never buy acer again, thats for sure.