trickbiker121 New User


  • So I just wanted to update this post. The motherboard still didn't work with the new ram. So I bought an new motherboard Intel DZ77GAL-70K since it was the only new motherboard I could find on a reputable site. Placing the CPU and ram from the old Acer MB to the Intel MB worked without any issue. Now I just need to buy a…
  • Yes I understand I have windows 8 and windows 10 keys given to my from my college. 
  • Thanks for looking out but I do not have any Mobo's that take 1155 CPU to test with. I tried to find some MB that do take 1155 online but they are either sold out or very old. If I do plan on buying a MB I will most likly go with another brand like ASRock since they are way cheaper than any OEM MB on Ebay or scrap the…
  • Thank you for your replies I have 3 ram sticks and tried to boot them with individual sticks in different slots with the same outcome. I have an upgraded PSU to help power my grpahics card. I did remove the graphics card and replaced the upgraded PSU with the original with same result. Your right that the Motherboards…