


  • Thanks for the advice. I think I’ll try the SSD first as you suggest to see if any improvement then go from there. Very much appreciate your expertise
    in memory Comment by rags759 July 2020
  • Here's another pic of system specs, hope this helps This has been a great machine but it's getting old. Does it really make sense to put the $$ into a SSD and memory upgrade vs a new machine?
    in memory Comment by rags759 July 2020
  • I'm just trying to speed up the machine a bit and avoid buying a new one if I can help it. I'm running AutoCAD and QuickBooks. It's gotten r-e-a-l-l-y slow and aggravating to work with
    in memory Comment by rags759 July 2020
  • Wow! That's a lot of info, most of which is way over my head. Does a pic of the chip help?
    in memory Comment by rags759 July 2020
  • Thanks for the assist, I'm an amateur at this
    in memory Comment by rags759 July 2020