pmproszynal New User


  • OK, I am being told that the solution to this is to format the hard drive, then boot in secure mode to the DVD ... Can anyone tell me a good formatting software to use? This has to be one that will boot in legacy mode from CD or DVD.
  • Well, actually not so good news. I tried this, and had the following difficulty preventing the recovery: Disabled the secure boot. Booted off the System DVD after a minute or so, got a message dialog stating that this recovery is only possible with secure boot. So the Legacy BIOS boot will ot work with that disk So I tried…
  • I only saw the fisrt entry for that thread. After I responded where I asked if there was ever a resonse, I noticed the numeric reference to how many message posts for that thread. There were 4 until I added one and made it 5. Now, on the post I started regarding Windows recovery disks, I am able to see all the posts, and…
  • I have the Iconia W700 Oh, I just discovered the Chat with Support on the Acer site, and discovered this: First, you have to boot the tablet using system disc, then insert the Recovery disks per the instructions on the screen. But... Before using the recovery disc, you have to disable the secured boot in the BIOS screen.…
  • Oh, forgot to mention this is all due to upgrading to Windows 8.1 DON't Do That! Now I want to use the recovery disks to return to Windows 8