pattom12 New User


  • I tried all recommendations and have given up making the SW5 keyboard work. Also, there is no add/remove hardware icon to click on prior to removing the tablet from the keyboard when powered up. I have search many times and do not find a way to make this work in Windows 10. I am sending the computer back for repair and…
  • Acer does not have a plateform driver package available on there site-where else might I find these? The only driver on the site that might relate to the keyboard is a Serial IO driver or Dynamic Platefore and Thermal Framework Driver. I tried these previously and they did not work but I will do it again. I tried all of…
  • I have installed the latest Bios right at the beginning of this problem. When I called tech support all they could tell me to do was reload the operating system which is what I did. I guess I will just have to send it in for repair although I know it is not a hardware problem. I have switched out the keyboards with other…
  • I installed Quick Access and opened it. What must I do to get the the software to recognize the keyboard? 