


  • I got it fixed by restarting the Laptop 5 times lol... but thanks for replying to my issues and is working fine now I can play some games again! Thank you <3
  • I found this article on how to recover bios but is it safe? here is the link:,AC%20adapter%20and%20Battery%20present.
  • Can the external display show the Bios Setting? Right now I'm using the same laptop while using the integrated GPU. but I wonder if my computer can detect the external display while booting and can access the bios setting
  • I tried this method but doesn't work as well. Maybe it has to be with the dedicated GPU. My laptop uses the intel integrated GPU and cannot display the Bios Setting. I found an article that said is to reflash Bios or just CMOS battery reset but I think it can dangerous to my computer since Idk how to do it. If there are…