


  • [Sorry if adding a comment about this is not allowed, I couldn't edit the post that had the questions and I couldn't delete this questions] I end up sending it for repairs and they told me it was a hardware issue so I had to redownload windows again.
  • I did as your suggested but it’s still stuck at the logo screen afterwards. When I turn it on, the fan seems to sound like it was about to start up before stopping, maybe the fan has a problem? I had it send for a diagnosis yesterday and they didn’t say anything about the fan being an issue so I’m not too sure. 
  • Okay I just followed your instructions and I just checked earlier, it's now Windows 10 Home so I think that solves the problem! Thank you so much for your help, I truly appreciate it!
  • I tried reinstalling but it still shows the error so I'll try the second method 
  • I didn't know that! Anyway, I checked and saw 2 windows related name. Windows 10 pro windows (BIOS OEM key) (sorry I have to delete your link because I'm still a new member)
  • Aspire E 14 Windows OS is 1709 edition is windows 10 pro 