bailbo New User


  • i took it out of the laptop and plugged into my pc it could not read the hdd at all, i could see it there but not access it at all, i really thought acer would have a copy as its there machine and digital key, if i put another hdd in would it detect it and reinstall windows, in the bios i can see that the time and…
  • sorry to be a pain but it works on the pc i am using at the moment it tells me my code how do i get it to read the code from the laptop harddrive, the one i am using right now is fine, its the acer laptop i cant get into as itsa digital key acer loaded before i bought it
  • silly question but if i cant accses the harddrive on the laptop how do i get the key from it, and what key am i copying i can see from f2 the actual hdd serial number and serial of the machine, only problem is when you go to boot theres nothing there
  • any idea were i get this program, do i install that on my pc then type the serial number in, not sure what i am looking for, when i boot the laptop it comes up Acer then go's to no bootable device, if i hit f2 i can see numbers in bios but not sure what i am doing then
  • i was hopeful with model number acer could provide me with a code so they know i bought it with windows installed
  • acer Aspire A315-21-21A3, yes tried the harddrive in my pc it cant find it so assume its broken, i can get into the Bios evryhting comes up except the hardrive, was hoping to put another in but dont have windows 10 code