TomS1 New User


  • I think you're right about the external drive. I hadn't realized they were so inexpensive, considering how much time might be required and how much hassle might result from continuing trying to revive the existing drive. Thanks very much for your help.
  • OK, until seeing your question above, I had assumed that the downloaded driver should install automatically upon rebooting. In answer to your question, what I downloaded was the AMD Chipset Drivers Package for Windows 10/8.1/7 (64 bit), Crimson Edition 16.9.2. I have now run the installer by double-clicking on it in my…
  • Thanks for the quick response. I downloaded the suggested driver from AMD to my Download Folder and then re-booted the computer, but the driver did not install, and the Device Manager still shows no CD/DVD device (since I uninstalled the original one in an earlier attempt to fix the problem). Is there something more that…