Shadow17 New User


  • Hello, i have done that and the gpu isn't there, i will check an technician later this/next week
  • ٥ Hello there, as you've said the laptop has been overheating a lot lately but when that happens i close all apps and just let it rest in front of the AC, and is there anything i should do after draining the battery or just restarting the laptop?
  • Hello, so i did what you said and nothing happened it still didn't appear in device manager i don't know if this is supposed to happen or not, anyways when i get about 80$ i will go to a technician and see what's wrong with it, if the repairs cost more than 50$ i think i will just wait with it for a year and buy a pc with…
  • Hello, about the drivers, before fully reseting my laptop i tried looking at nvidia geforce experience, and it won't show anything, i tried installing it via the web and it says i don't have a compatible GPU so if you have any idea on how i can do a clean instillation that would help, meanwhile i will try the ddu thing…