Powers1 New User


  • I got a reply from http://forums.cnet.com/7723-32544_102-617750/acer-1825pt-no-sound-from-touchportal/?messageId=5574868&tag=nl.rCOMBINED&s_cid=rCOMBINED&ttag=rCOMBINED&ftag=#message5574868 Obviously ,one first checks the sound mixer ,which was all on Max,what caught me out and may also catch others ,is the fact that its…
  • Thanks for the reply and the information that helped me resolve the issue. You absolutely right,it was the touchportal volume in the volume mxer that was at lowest! I had no idea ,that the touchportal had its own volume mixer which only opens when you start touchportal. My speakers volume were on maximum and all else had…