Mowfow71 New User


  • Update did the factory reset tried to add the sd card again was given 2 options Option 1 portable storage which allows media files and some apps ( apparently ) which formats and works just haven't found ANY put apps i can move to it Option 2 format for internal storage which means I can store everything on it . It…
  • That was great idea I tried it. When I put it back in my tablet it said unsupported card and offered me setup . I tapped that tried erase and format for internal storage it completed. But when it tried to mount the it for use it came up with corrupt. It is a really strange one because I can format it as a portable disk it…
  • Is that reply a copy and paste from somewhere? Because I don't have phone I have a tablet and as I've explained there are 2 types of format one works the other does not the one that doesn't work on any branded card is what I need to get going I think. If use removable storage I can transfer all media files to it but not…