JohnRD New User


  • Re the last but one response ignore about the waning tone, I was mishearing, it was coming from the speaker, not the computer. John
  • Jack, Tried the troubleshooter but no go. Still nothing except via a plug in speaker which works fine. John
  • Jack, I tried the troubleshooter but no luck. However, what is odd is that warning tones from the computer, eg arrival of email, are still happening. I've plugged a speaker into the jack so I can listen but the warning tones are definitely coming from the computer, not the speaker. I wondered if it might be that the audio…
  • Hi Jack, I don't think that I have. I'm at work at the moment but will try when I get home this evening. Regards John
  • Just out of curiousity I disbaled it and immediately a troubleshooter menu popped up, detevted that tere was a problem (!!!) and switched it back on again - still no sound. Regards John
  • Hi Jack, Sorry for delay, I've been at work all day. The options availble are "Use this device (enable)" and "Don't use this device (disable)" Regards John
  • OK, gone through that but no attempt to reinstall Realtek. Current info is: till no sound through speakers John
  • Blimey, Thats sounds pretty spooky. OK, I'll ake the plunge. John
  • Jack, The earphones have been pluged in for about 8-10 minutes but there is no change in the icon. John
  • Jack, Just to clarify, are you talking about the volume adjustment in the bottom right of the screen that responds to the sound? It has a speaker icon at the top and "Mixer" at the bottom and with the meter responding to the sound between. John
  • Jack, I've opened the volume controls both at the bottom right of the screen and in iTunes and evrything seems to be working. I right clicked the Speaker icon for the Realtek system and that says everything is OK - just can't hear it! There was no obvious change in anything when I plugged in the headphones or took them…
  • Jack, I've had to uninstall and reboot the machine. Still no sound other than via headphones. Could it be something as stupid as the jack socket? I seem to recall that when the jack is inserted it breaks the contact to the speakers. Is it feasible that the contact is still no remade? I have to say that I only used this…
  • Jack, I'm not very good at the internals of the computer but I have checked the Device manager see below. There is a caution against the Bluetooth Audio DEvice and I thought that that might be the problem but the event dates don't stack up with today's date. So I'm puzzled. Regards John
  • The errormessage aove ame from the Device Manager. I'm running Windows 8.1 John