


  • I am unable to use the alt + f10 option since the hard drive has been replaced and reinstalled with Windows 10 again. I have already done the battery reset by using a paperclip.
  • Out of warranty by 6 months and no extended warranty available. I just took apart the laptop and reconnected all cables but that did not resolve the issue. When an external keyboard is plugged in, the keys work perfectly. Not sure if it is worth the investment to purchase a new internal keyboard with no guarantee that the…
  • I just updated the BIOS to BIOS Version/Date Insyde Corp. V1.47, 9/6/2018 The Windows Language is English (United States) and the keyboard language is US QWERTY. The BIOS upgrade did not resolve the issue. The numlock key when on or off, does not display the proper keys. They display different characters when on and a…
  • This was a brand new hard drive with a fresh install of Windows. No data was transferred from the old hard drive to the new so there is no possibility of virus or malware. I checked the BIOS and I did not see anything corresponding to keyboard. The BIOS seems very primitive. I am unaware of any drop or spill because I am…
  • BIOS Version/Date Insyde Corp. V1.27, 5/26/2017 The BIOS updated on the Acer site do not give much detail. All the drivers look like they have no issues. I did the key test and all the issues pop up on the right side of the keyboard.