Gene45 New User


  • I got IE working and installed flash player there. The ACER pop ups stopped. No idea why the pop up occurred in an ACER window, when it was IE that wanted the flash player, while I was using Firefox .
  • I trried googling this problem and foudn serveral other discussions about it . One suggestion was that is it referring to Adobe flash for IE whiel Iam using Firefox. Not long ago I got IE to run as some sites prefer it, but I know nothing about it. I can't even figure out where the add-ons are .....
  • OK I disabled everything except the audio system (realteck) , hotkey utility, avast and dropbox. I'll see if that matters? The sily part is I have no idea what they thing is telling me to do. I say OK but it seems nothing happens.
  • Ok Shockwave Flash is always activated as a "plug in" in Firefox . When I look in MSCONFIG, Adobe flash player update Servicv is "stopped" And I don't know what " AV " means in your comment.
  • With the latest version of flash player from Adobe , I still gt the ACER message. Any ideas?
  • OK, I did that. I'd post a picture of the box but can't see how to do that. Wait to see what happens
  • I don't speak French, since I too took two year so it in high school, and i hindsight it was completely useless. Shoudl ahve taken more math. My question is about the keyboard, If I have it set for French, how can I use a question mark. ??
  • Ok that may be the problem, but out of curiosity, how doesa Frenchman ask a questio?????
  • Yes it does, thank you !!!!!
  • I dowloaded win patrol. It did not teach me anything I could not get from "autoruns" or control panel, but it came with a separate toolbar that looked suspicous, and a PCperformce tool that took aover and started scanning for something , and would not stop until I powered off the machine, and had to chkdsk to fix it after…
  • The fix is not permanent. It comes back from time to time, but can be unistalled again and rebooted.............. There should be a simpler way, 
  • I'm having the opposite problem. Look to "Touch pad on D260", to see if there is any hint on where to find the drivers. 
  • And then it cmae back on its own. I uninstleld the PS/2 driver again and it stopped. I went in to "autoruns" and found the line for "Elan" and unchecked it. Maybe that will be permanent.
  • Tried that Vince. Didn't help. I also went to "elan smart pad" and said to disable it altogether, That did not help. If I went at it thru Device manager, it said that the pad was working normally, even while the mouse entry process said it was disabled. I uninstalled the software for the smart pad and re-booted. The…