Difficult New User


  • Teachsmar starts, it is loaded, thinks a while, then a popup window say something like "Impossible access to Dolphin survey server" What that dolphin is for I don't know :( if I know how to control that led I could even write something by myself, using c++ or something else. thank you JackE
  • Thanks I know that. But as I said the Teachsmart does NOT start, it stops before showing operative windows, so it is not possible setting up Microsoft accounts. Is there some technical information how to set the led colour, maybe an ASCII sequence, maybe a string, maybe a software, not necessarly the Teachsmart that I am…
  • The led works, it indicates battery charging, sleeping, and other status as you said. The <Teachsmart is already installed on the system, Acer Teachsmart, but it doesn't work, it keeps saying: Impossible access to Dolphin survey server I don't know anything else about Teachsmart, nor what "dolphin survey server" is, I was…
  • Yes exactly, I would like to find a way to use it. They say: TeachSmart educational software for enhanced teacher-student interaction and works with multi-colored LED lights on the notebook’s cover to let students signal teachers. I would like use that led, Teachsmart doesn't work, is there some software or another way to…