


  • Thank you that thread actually solved my problem completely. i was pretty sure it was a problem with the boot partition when starting this thread but didn't know how to fix it. thanks
  • i am unsure if resetting the bios to defaults will solve my problem as windows doesn't even show up in the boot order. like i described earlier it only shows an exclamation mark(indicating some kind of error) and an operating system that i dont even have installed anymore i could be wrong but i don't think that resetting…
  • Thank you for your answer. it did solve my original problem(being that i can't acces the bios) but it also shows a new problem i wasn't aware of before. when i go to the boot options, rather than showing "windows boot manager" like i would expect, it shows ubuntu(which i have deleted like i said in the original post) and a…
  • Nein gibt es nicht. Nein, Ich habe die Leertaste aus Reinigungsgründen ausgebaut(Ich habe blöderweise aus versehen Eistee auf die Tastatur verschüttet und danach haben einige Tasten nicht mehr so funktioniert wie gehabt, danach dachte ich das ich diese tasten ja mahl ausbauen kann um sie ein wenig zu reinigen was wohl…