DDoutel New User


  • Many thanks, xapim! That's exactly what I needed to know; greatly appreciated!
  • xapim, I can't use TS unless I can uninstall XTU; the two apparently do not play well together. Since PS does install XTUService and uses it, that's why I wanted to uninstall PS and it's associated XTUService, and use something else to control the fans. Are you telling me that I can in fact use TS with the XTUService…
  • Oh, and I'm looking at your video, and my PredatorSense doesn't look anything like the one you're using in the video... I did download the latest version from the download page when I bought the machine a couple months ago. is there some super-secret download page I don't know about? :)
  • Hey Red, Mine idles at 38C, routinely runs at around 76C when gaming, and occasionally spikes to as high as 95C. To my mind, this is WAY too high for comfort. Not sure what you mean by using the macro keys to cycle fan profiles... can you elaborate? Oh, these temps are on "normal". I have never used "faster" or "turbo"; I…