BillyB2021 New User


  • Hello? Helloooooooooooo?
  • Ok Easwar and Acer now the yellow battery charging indicator light flashes nonstop. Instead of the meter saying "0% available (plugged in)", it now says "255% available (plugged in)" Is this thing going to blow up? When I unplug it the computer goes off immediately, so if the battery has 255% juice I'm not…
  • Yes. The yellow 'battery charging' light comes on intermittently for a few seconds at a time, then goes out. Also, the battery meter indicator icon on the monitor occasionally looks like it is charging, then it stops. When I rollover the battery icon, it says "0% available (plugged in)" So, it seems the battery knows it is…
  • Well...trick question, Easwar. I saw in a different thread that people have removed their batteries. I'm not really good with that type of process. I took the smaller back panel off, but there is no easy place to just remove the battery. Someone indicated you could actually take off the whole back to get at the battery…