


  • Just got a message that was something along with «what would you like the power button to do?» with some obtions right before the pc shut down, so it is most likely a stuck powerbutton in my eyes. So I would modt likely just like to disconnect the keyboard all together if it cannot be fixed I could use an external keyboard…
  • it seems that the problem wasnt fixed so easily however I do seem to have found something else. I got the problem again when I tried to boot up the pc today so I went back and checked with bootin the pc without certain cables attached like the trackpad and such. When I booted up the pc without the keyboard cable attached…
  • I had a similar issue with the pc not booting up because it would just shut off when trying to start the fans up, which I considered that it had a short curcuit so I opened it up and cleaned thorougly with isopropyl alcohol and a soft toothbrush all over the motherboard, under tape, under the heatsink and every place that…
  • SOLUTION FOUND. I looked back at it again today to see maybe there is something that I missed, so I thoroughly went through the laptop again this time. I went to see if maybe the ssd was preventing a boot and tried booting up without the sdd and other parts like the CMOS battery and such but no luck. But here is what I…
  • This is the corrosion as previously mentioned, this was the wordt of it. There was a tad bit more to the left of this image but kot much and most of it went away after the cleaning