strange noise from right side on aspire v17 nitro

corndoge Member Posts: 1 New User
Hi, I've been having some trouble out of my aspire v17 nitro vn7-791g-5896, windows 8.1. There's been a "clicking" or  "ticking" like noise and almost sounds like something spinning coming from the right side, up towards the upper corner, were abouts the hole to pug the charger is. I dont think it's one of the drives, I checked them using crystal disk and they both seemed okie. I think it might be the fan or gpu maybe? it doesnt get hot tho, usualy it's around 80-90f. I'm not sure tho, there was also lines going across the top of my screen for a few minutes till I restarted, things booted fine till I lifted up the right side to adjust some paper I had under that corner, then the screen went black, but my cursor was still there and moveable. I restarted again and things seem fine now besides the noise. It's not loud, my hearing is really sensitive and it's bearly there, but it's abnormal, normally this laptop is super quite.
It did this a few months back, but stopped after a while. (first time it appeared was after putting it to sleep) it re-appeared after I had to turn my laptop over to get the serial number off the bottom (I put it to sleep to do this) to contact the place I bought it from about taking their tracking software off it so I could put antivirus on it. According to them if I put antivirus on it while that's on it, it would mess up the computer. I have not put any on it yet as I am still waiting to hear back from them. I don't think it's under warranty any more since it's been over a year since it was paid off.
I know if I put ~4 stacked alcohol swabs in their wrappers under it, it makes the noise stop, but I dont know if that's helping or making the problem worse. if I lift up that side slightly it also makes it hush. Should I keep doing this? what could be causing this sound and what should I do?


  • Maveryck_84
    Maveryck_84 Member Posts: 3 New User
    Hy, I see this is an old post but maybe you still need help. The place where the sound comes from looks like the fan - zone. The simpliest solution I can think of, is that maybe there is something near the fans exits (the HDD is down - right, under the arrow keys [ → ↓ ← ], where you probably feel constant heat). Another problem can be the that right fan ball bearings are starting to wear, causing that noise.
    If you never opened your notebook, watch this video to understand where the various parts are located, making you easier to understand what's causing the noise; I personally opened mine three times to upgrade the storage and ram (M.2 SSD and 4GB RAM for 12GB total), is not so difficult, but you need is a LOT of patience and attention.