Heat and battery issue on nitro 5 (an515-54)

Kucyk Member Posts: 1 New User
Hello, I have my Nitro 5 (AN515-54) for around 6 months. Up to now everything worked very correctly but on the last few day I met issues.
My laptop starts to heat itself abnormaly, even during being still, like with no program, game or anything open, just a desktop. During that period in the worst moment it even reached over 90 degrees. I did a undervolting and it helps a little (sometimes the temperature is around 37 without additional cooling stand, sometimes around 56 with that stand), but still it much higher than few days ago. Fans works like hell, even if before they were almost always quiet.
But the second problem is with battery. Few day ago it could resist few hours of working without charging (like 6 to 8hrs). Now 1 minute of using costs 1% of battery, even on battery-safe mode.

Can anyone met the same or at least very similar problem and found a solution?


  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    What changed in the last few days? What does the task manager say? What is CPU usage when idle? It could be a case of malware too.
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  • XMan2020
    XMan2020 Member Posts: 4 New User
    Yeah, I have the exact same issue. I used to watch YouTube on battery power for at least 5hrs.then about a month ago it dropped down to 2hrs in idle.
    I've tried every thing form reinstalling the Microsoft battery ACPI, custom battery usage, and factory resting not once but twice. i did get it to act normal once it reach 30%. that's when I was running powercgf/energy and battery in command prompt trying to figure what's casing the problem. i refuse to beleve some of the accept answers in other forums. Like HAHAHA's post saying that's it supposed to be that way. 

    I'm completely stumped if any one has an idea other than factory reset and driver I'm all ears  
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    XMan2020 said:
    Yeah, I have the exact same issue. I used to watch YouTube on battery power for at least 5hrs.then about a month ago it dropped down to 2hrs in idle.
    What changed between then and now that is killing your battery? Windows updates? New software installed?
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  • XMan2020
    XMan2020 Member Posts: 4 New User

    OK, so I think figured it out first i ran powercfg/energy in command prompt after i booted up the laptop. saw a TIworker.exe sucking 7 present utilization of CPU. TLworker.exe you can improve efficiency with running antimalware application with task manager open i saw windows defender app is taking 4% of CPU before I even started to scan my computer.

     I ran a quick scan and suddenly my battery jumped up to 13Hrs then settle to back to normal levels (6hrs)  after a percent dropped form my battery.  i checked opera GX web browser and it just being on this page it droped estimated battery to 4hr  i activated the built in ram and CPU limiter and it's curtly fluctuation between 7 and 6 hrs.

  • XMan2020
    XMan2020 Member Posts: 4 New User
     so I would conclude  that a mix of a windows defender taking up resources until you run a quick scan. and with my surfing the web is killing the battery life.
     even now the battery is back to normal even when typing this comment up
  • XMan2020
    XMan2020 Member Posts: 4 New User
    If it's still not working, turn of  Real-Time Protection
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    XMan2020 said:
    If it's still not working, turn of  Real-Time Protection
    You are kidding, aren't you?
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