No profile picture or password box appearing . Acer nitro 5)

CrystalHexagon Member Posts: 194 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
edited January 2021 in Nitro Gaming
Guys, I am having a bit of an issue from yesterday. I was unable to login to windows as whenever I start my laptop (Acer nitro 5) Acer logo appears as usual and then the lockscreen wallpaper appears and when I go to enter password the box is not the (the password box) also the profile pic of account is not there. The only thing is background wallpaper is blurred. I tried everything from Google but no luck. ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED 🥺


  • batmalin
    batmalin Member Posts: 4,231 Guru
    You better contact MS in parallel, as this seems to be an OS issue.
    Please click "Yes" if I have answered your question.

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    If you force it into safe mode are you able to log in?

    From the login Shift + Restart , troubleshoot, startup settings
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    It could be a case of corrupt user profile too.

    After getting into the system in safe mode, open command prompt in admin mode and create a new user.
    net user /add <account name>
    The above line will create user without password. Try logging in using this user.
    LIKE - if helpful
    ACCEPT - if helped resolve
  • CrystalHexagon
    CrystalHexagon Member Posts: 194 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
    Even in safe mode the password box is not appearing ... And the lockscreen image stays blurred like before ....
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    Even in safe mode the password box is not appearing ... And the lockscreen image stays blurred like before ....
    Go to windows repair screen and go to command prompt. And then try creating a new user.
    LIKE - if helpful
    ACCEPT - if helped resolve
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021

    It's annoying safe mode isn't working, we will need to use the command prompt to solve this one.

    Reboot into the blue troubleshooting screen again (shift and restart) hit troubleshoot advanced options, then click command prompt

    This will then ask you to log in to an admin account, just your normal user should be fine

    ​type the following (explained step by step below, but these are the commands). Please read ahead and swing back round to this. Each command is one line so there are three comands in this bit

    cd Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\caches
    dir | findstr Dire

    Now stop, is the above the exact same as this:


    If it starts X:\ you are in the wrong place! Stop and re type the above three commands including the C: :)

    If it is, continue, again each command is one line, so three commands:

    Mkdir old
    Move * old

    What has gone wrong is the cache for the login screen has become corrupt, there are two databases in the above directory which controll the effect. What we are doing is moving them out of the way so windows doesn't see them. 

    So step by step this is what the above commands do , as running commands blind is always eh 

    1) c: 

    This moves you into the boot directory from the system recovery directory, think of it like double clicking on a usb drive when you put it in

    2) cd Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\caches

    Cd stands for change directory, we are moving into the folder with the bawked files

    dir | findstr Dire
    We are making sure we are in the right place. System32 is the brain of windows. We dont want to break anything important.

    Mkdir old
    We make a directory to save the broken files. Many guides online suggests deleting, but im a digital horder, and its much easier to recover from a mistake if you have moved!

    Move * old
    we are moving the files to the folder we just made. This will move two database files, and maybe some shm and wal files to the old folder. These will be re created on next reboot. 

    6) exit
    We er exit :)

    So some answers to a few pre emptive questions :-

     - Why did this happen?
    its a known bug in windows 1909 :(. as it arrived late in 1909's release cycle it was never fixed. 

     - Is there a way to stop it happening again?
    When you are back on , try heading into windows update and mashing check for updates a few times. There is a new major release available which solves this.
     - is there a way without command prompt?
    ish. Safe mode isnt an option here (which was why i asked that first), so your two options are a system restore / system reinstall, Boot the drive using an external adapter, or booting into linux to do the above. All of these are less easy than using the inbuilt windows recovery enviroment

     - Is this safe?
    yes as long as you 100% make sure you are in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Caches. The databases are recreated on the next log in. It may take a few to 30 extra seconds to log in, dont wory, thats normal


  • CrystalHexagon
    CrystalHexagon Member Posts: 194 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
    i tried the command stuff but no luck 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  • CrystalHexagon
    CrystalHexagon Member Posts: 194 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
  • CrystalHexagon
    CrystalHexagon Member Posts: 194 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
    I tried the new user thing but it said new user is not added to user group and so no luck 😓😓🥺🥺
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    Can you head back into the command prompt and type 
    Dir C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Caches
    And share the output here?

    If moving them hasn't working may delete them

    To add the user to a group user
    Net localgroup /add Users Xxx

    Where xxx is the username, I'm supprised moving the files hasn't worked, it should have done
  • CrystalHexagon
    CrystalHexagon Member Posts: 194 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
    Hey btw it's saying findstr is not recognised as an internal or an external command ....
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    Try without the findstr , I'm not sure why that isn't showing as it's a default DOS thing

    Edit : apologies it isn't available in the pre boot environment

    What you are looking for is where it tells you your current directory to make sure you are in the C drive, not the X drive
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Any news on if it's working again :)?