Unable to find SATA mode in boot menue Nitro 5

afe62 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited January 2021 in Nitro Gaming
I have a Nitro 5 and I am trying to change the bios to allow me to install Linux on the machine. I need to change the SATA mode but it does not exist anywhere in the menus when I use F2 to go into the boot menu. Any idea why I am unable to access a place to change the SATA mode?

Best Answer

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓
    From the main tab , the first thing you have to hit is ctrl+s

    Mash it a few times and it should appear in one of the other tabs

    If if doesn't try rebooting a few times, it's a bit finikiky


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓
    From the main tab , the first thing you have to hit is ctrl+s

    Mash it a few times and it should appear in one of the other tabs

    If if doesn't try rebooting a few times, it's a bit finikiky