Unable to switch user - Acer Aspire E 15 E5-576G-5762

roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
Unable to switch user - Acer Aspire E 15 E5-576G-5762

I am at my wits end having tried all possible resolutions as listed in Microsoft forums and hence seeking help from experts here. On my model listed above, I faintly recall something happened while starting up (if I am not wrong) and I had to create a hotmail login in the log on process (don't remember well) and after that I was unable to see my local profile. I tried everything but am still not able to see my earlier local user profile and am working using a new local profile but want to access my original local profile without having to reinstall windows or any other heavy duty overwrite measures. I have all sorts of screenshots readily available and can post as demanded instead of directly dumping and creating a mess in here. I am also open to granting Remote Troubleshooting access permission (I know you all are users like me but it's really worn me out badly now since Aug 2020). As instructions are provided, I can start advising what all I have done already but do not mind repeating everything as being asked to do verbatim. Please help. 

Best Answer

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓
    The command includes the *, its what prompts the OS to ask you to chnage the password, instead of that you can just put your password there such as
    net user username newpassword

    I never use the netplwiz gui so unsure what it does, i just use the net user interface to do most things for local users

    Run the reg when you are done chnaging the password. it will warn you the key allready exists, this is OK as you are updating it to turn the feature on. While it is on you wont see any user accounts if thats what you mean by the second question


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Does the user directory appear in c:/users?
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    @LeostatDoes the user directory appear in c:/users?

    Below will have to be read repeatedly referring to screenshots to understand in a better way :
    I am attaching screenshots from the Win folder view (14 users shown) and admin cmd view (9 users) of users as being shown. AFAIK I only created my original (now required again profile) while initial setup named "Roshan Amin", then currently using "Lala" which I feel is being shown in win dir view as "rosha.LAPTOP-XX7t" (guessing so because of the date modified as today being seen) and I created a test profile after the problem started (to test) as "AR". Rest all are system created (isn't balance 11 self created by system a large number? I am also attaching SS of some key net user "profile name" attributes of adm run cmd for further info. Do note file named 'Required Profile Path' as this is my original created and was in use main profile which is showing the software "station" but this software and some others are not shown in the current "Lala" profile though I have always have also had installed apps for all users so that too is a mystery, but this path is exactly what I want to get access to by the expected use of switch user but which is not showing any other user apart from "Lala". Also SS named 2 shows details using netplwiz and earlier it showed "AR" & "Postgres" as well but currently it shows only "Lala" and "Roshan Amin" both as "administrators" but one thing I notice is earlier it used to show "Roshan Amin" as both "Administrator" and "Users" simultaneously but now only as "administrator". Also strangely  "Lala" which is currently being used shows just 16 MB file size earlier and now 5.8 GB only. 

    In control panel user accounts window there is only profile "Lala" as Local account and administrator and when I click manage another account, only profile "Roshan Amin" also Local Account and Administrator is reflecting and nothing else. Also in the Profile Info > your info the same details exist but want to add in the "Email & Accounts" tab my hotmail id exists which is a microsoft account. Also this One Drive may have a role to play in this as I am now very confused when I save to desktop whether it is saving to my local SSD or the desktop on One Drive cloud. 

    I have done SFC, restore health and some other commands as was in Microsoft for this problem but nothing helped. Can do further whatever is asked of me to resolve the problem. 
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    So if im understanding right, you want to log into Roshan but its not showing?

    Try disabling and re enabling the account first
    net user "roshan amin" /active:no
    net user "roshan amin"
    net user "roshan amin" /active:yes

    Then try logging out and in. If this doesnt show, add them to the users group
    net localgroup /add users "roshan amin" 
    Does the user show if you goto start->other users? The control panel is still there, but may not work correctly
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    So if im understanding right, you want to log into Roshan but its not showing?
    @roshanamin Yes correct

    I executed the commands in admin CMD and just logged off but upon pressing ctr>alt>del user "lala" only appears still (I did not restart the machine)

    No in start too there is no other user. That various screenshots I posted needs keen looking in to and I know my message is bit overwhelming the way I have tried explaining it but with patience and corresponding it against the screenshots will make sense and only then it would be easier to understand to help more but that deactivate and activate was a approach which I did not read so far. This is a simple issue but it plagues a lot of users and if you see the forums of Windows it never got closed for years for many

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    but to confirm, if you do net user roshan, it is back in the users group after you do net localgroup? 

    is the machine joined to a windows domain, or is it a stand alone home machine?
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    This is a standalone home machine

    I was not aware net localgroup is a dos command but I executed it without any user name. I now restarted the machine instead of logoff but yet only default user "lala" appears
    What syntax exactly I have to use for the net localgroup using the particular profile name? This is Windows Home 10 64 bit ver 20H2(OS Build 19042.985)
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    net localgroup users 
    to list all users

    net localgroup /add users "roshan amin" 
    To add the user to the group
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Attached SS after executing above command, appreciate your help, kindly mention in detail the steps so that I don't create a further issue, I am fairly ok to understand and follow the instructions. 
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    I had mentioned as "Also SS named 2 shows details using netplwiz and earlier it showed "AR" & "Postgres" as well but currently it shows only "Lala" and "Roshan Amin" both as "administrators" but one thing I notice is earlier it used to show "Roshan Amin" as both "Administrator" and "Users" simultaneously but now only as "administrator". 
    But now after following your steps see SS8 and again Roshan Amin is now showing both Administrator and Users. I had also rebooted the machine. You want me to check in registry anything and report? but I do not want to tinker registry until absolutely necessary.
    8.JPG 55.2K
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    roshanamin Could you share the output of this cmd:
    reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System | findstr dont

    If its set to 0, then
    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v dontdisplaylastusername /t REG_DWORD /d 1

    This will enable the "other users" where you can then just type the username and password you want. Make sure you know an admin username and password else you wont be able to get back into the device
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Here is the screenshot (SS) of the admin run CMD for the query
    I u/s it is set to 0, correct?

    Regarding the add HKEY cmd you ask to execute, understood it will enable "other users" but what is technically meant by just type username and pw you want (the literal meaning of it in English is understood) but technically what does it mean for me, as my objective is to get back to my original profile which was the only local admin profile which was set up when the machine was bought and which is now not reflecting in the switch user in the windows menu tab or the ctr>alt>del tab while logging on. 

    Just to be safe what step can I take to check the Admin username and password in the current state that I am (I am the lawful owner ;) just that don't want to get in a bad mess where my entered pw is wrong) kind of like how we can view the wifi pw in windows, would it be somewhere in the credentials section, how do I go about it. 

    Look forward to your reply on each of these two questions, I appreciate your patience and request it more as want to take super careful steps as I am not as knowledgeable as you technically and more importantly I do not want to mistake your communication and do something in a wrong way which is not the way you wanted me to execute a step. Thanks!
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    So what this will do is rather than windows showing you the users, it will ask you to type the username and password to log in. So yu can just type the username of the missing account, and its password, and it will try to log in as them

    This means you can just type the old username and password, and it will most likley work. If it doesnt, you will hopefully get an error message when you enter the username and password which will asssit in troubleshooting

    The account details are the ones you are logging in with at the moment, just make sure you remember what they are! As its not showing you the usernames if you didnt remember you current username you would be in a pickle

  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    edited January 2021
    Can I do this before I execute the above step, currently as it stands when I visit 'Credential Manager', in Windows Credentials tab it says 'No Windows Credentials' BUT on the current "Lala" profile I am using, I do use a pw to login and net user also shows password set date and  pw required as YES. Now for user 'Roshan Amin' net user shows pw set date BUT pw required as "NO", then why Credential Manager says "No Windows Credentials" as Lala is indeed logging in having to enter pw. Also why 'Roshan Amin' says pw required as "NO", I may not even recall the pw for "Roshan Amin". In order to be safe, should I just reset the pw for user "Roshan Amin" as I am currently in a good logged in state. I may not be able to Retrieve or recall pw for the original profile but I can reset it before I do any new step as you suggest, can't I? Please advise. Also the another thing which niggles me is after your earlier steps, profile 'Roshan Amin' is showing as Administrator and Users simultaneously, that's no cause for concern right?

    Now assuming you say yes to reset pw for 'Roshan Amin' I follow the steps and able to log in to Roshan Amin by explicitly typing user name and the newly set pw, then to again log back to Lala what do I need to do? Can I have the normal process where I press Ctr>Alt>Del and I get option to switch user. Eventually I will backup all of Lala data and just delete the profile altogether. Please advise.

    Also need to add : when I select properties of a file on currently logged in Lala profile on desktop I see path as "C:\Users\rosha.LAPTOP-9QCV557T\Desktop"
    So no Lala but half of my name rosha.and the laptop name XXXX
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Credential manager shows Saved Credentials only, not if the account *has* a password

    have you changed any password settings for that user in a step you did before? To reenable password requirement type
    net user "roshan amin" /passwordreq:yes
    net user "roshan amin" *

    Then enter a new password and it will chnage the password for the user 

    To log back into the lala account you would just type the username and password. Once logged in as the Roshan account you could turn the other users off by doing:
    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v dontdisplaylastusername /t REG_DWORD /d 0

    this may then show the user on the log in screen. Or just leave it turned on and always type the username and password
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    edited January 2021
    Credential manager shows Saved Credentials only, not if the account *has* a password
    @RA - Noted

    have you changed any password settings for that user in a step you did before?
    @RA - No, not since I started this thread, no.

    To reenable password requirement type
    net user "roshan amin" /passwordreq:yes
    net user "roshan amin" *
    Then enter a new password and it will chnage the password for the user 

    @RA - syntax is a bit confusing for me above (I anyways copy & paste your lines in cmd window) but that, * - asterisk, symbol, am I supposed to execute it up to this point and I get some result of the command and then simply type a new password??
    > > Rather is it ok if in windows, I run netplwiz, then select and highlight profile named 'Roshan Amin' then click on Reset Password button and enter and re-enter NEW PASSWORD and then execute only the command up to the point net user "roshan amin" /passwordreq:yes, is that fine? 
    > > after above are done, then I do cmd command as reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v dontdisplaylastusername /t REG_DWORD /d 1

    To log back into the lala account you would just type the username and password.
    @RA - I think for getting to the point of typing username and pw for getting back to 'lala 'when logged in to 'Roshan Amin, I would have to either go to > Menu > sign out or press ctr>alt>del right?

    Once logged in as the Roshan account you could turn the other users off by doing:
    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v dontdisplaylastusername /t REG_DWORD /d 0
    this may then show the user on the log in screen. Or just leave it turned on and always type the username and password
    @RA - Noted
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓
    The command includes the *, its what prompts the OS to ask you to chnage the password, instead of that you can just put your password there such as
    net user username newpassword

    I never use the netplwiz gui so unsure what it does, i just use the net user interface to do most things for local users

    Run the reg when you are done chnaging the password. it will warn you the key allready exists, this is OK as you are updating it to turn the feature on. While it is on you wont see any user accounts if thats what you mean by the second question
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    edited January 2021
    netplwiz is just a win+run GUI command to bring up GUI of user accounts listed on the laptop currently instead of going to control panel and clicking on user accounts and then manage accounts of which changing password is one function. Since I know this for a fact and a bit yet unclear about the DOS CMD commands, I am proceeding as follows :

    1) Have created a usb password reset disk for currently loggedin user 'Lala', (just for safety sake, though would not make sense, since I remember userid and pw for this profile).
    2) I am going to reset password for user 'Roshan Amin' using gui of nwtplwiz while being currently logged in user 'Lala'
    3) Then then execute only the command up to the point net user "roshan amin" /passwordreq:yes (I am going to leave off, i.e not execute further command as net user "roshan amin" * )
    4) Then will run cmd command reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v dontdisplaylastusername /t REG_DWORD /d 1 (at this point it will warn you the key allready exists, this is OK as I am updating it to turn the feature on)

    up to this point I will still be logged in to current user 'Lala' and then

    5) I hit either Menu > Log off or press ctr > alt > del which my understanding is it will take me to some new kind of prompt where I will have to type username as 'Roshan Amin' and password as the newly set pw as per point # 2 above
    [ Once logged in as 'Roshan Amin', I could turn the other users off by doing:
    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v dontdisplaylastusername /t REG_DWORD /d 0
    which may then show the user on the log in screen. Or I can  just leave it turned on and always type the username and password ]
    6) Now to again log back in to 'Lala' I once again hit Menu > Log off or press ctr > alt > del depending on what result I get after turning off the other users which may show the user on the log in screen or I will have to simply type username as 'Lala' and it's Password.
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    yup, that sounds right
  • roshanamin
    roshanamin Member Posts: 62 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Hey @Leostat pleased to report that, using all steps you advised and finally what I summarized in the last post as a single message, I have been able to log in successfully in to my original user profile. I thank you profusely my friend. Though I have acknowledged acceptance of your solution leading to closure of my issue, I hope you don't mind I keep it open for some weeks as there may be some leading questions pertaining to the subject and will then do the formal closure of the thread as solved :) 
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Great, there isnt a concept of open or closed threads here, so all you need to do is mark all the answers you found usefull as answering your question, and droping a like its a huge help and highlghts the problem as solved

    You can still add to the thread after doing this and if you drop me an @ i will have a look 👍

    Glad i was able to help!
This discussion has been closed.