The A key on my laptop “broke”

Yash8014 Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter
I’ve had this laptop for about 8 months, not even a year and just now the retainer clip and another part of it “broke.” I’m not sure if it’s broken I’m pretty sure it is. I noticed in November that the A key would randomly come off when I pressed on it but I didn’t think much of it because I was able to put it back in place, this went for like a month until it finally stopped and I thought it was gone and now just recently it started doing the same thing again and now when it came off I noticed that the retainer clip wasn’t in the laptop, I look at the other side of the A key and it’s stuck in it. it didn’t want to go in and when it did, if u pressed it like 2-5 times it would come off again and now the retainer clip isn’t going back in. And the little rubber thing that cushions the key when u press it or whatever also came clean off, all I didn’t was slightly touch it and it came off. I need help on what I should do without spending to much money to repair it if I have to. Thanks

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