[1/2 Solved] B1 A71 Android 4.1.2 wifi “authentication problem” (using 2.5g N-only WPA2-PSK AES)
First I must digress…
* This is my 1st Acer product ever.. so far, not so good...
* I can not submit an email to tech support, but Acer's website claims my device’s serial # and SNID are NOT valid !?! What? Acer put the SNID label on the bottom of the device (not me) and Acer gave me the serial # when the B1 auto registered. So what exactly can I do to be able to email Acer tech support?
Now for my “real” PROBLEM -- my B1 will not connect to my home wifi.
* Notes -- I can connect the B1 wifi to my mobile phone hotspot (Android 4.1.1) (That’s how I was able to “finish” the setup process and, ironically receive my “invalid” serial #.)
* Symptoms – When my B1 tries to connect to my wifi, at first the wifi strength icon drops from 4 “bars” to 1 bar (even when 6 inches from wifi) then it tries for a while, but ultimately fails and says “Authentication Problem”
* I have searched Acer Tech Support (although they won’t let me email them), this Acer Forum, and Google generally.. no luck yet.
Details are below. THANK YOU in advance for taking the time to consider my situation.
Home wifi...
* Buffallo WHR-300HP running DD-WRT
* I have several different kinds of devices successfully connected to this wifi router without problem.
* I have it configured for 2.5ghz N-only – N-only was the solution for another tech problem on another device.
* wifi security is set as WPA2-PSK AES (N requires use of AES security)
* and yes… I am certain I am using the correct password.
Other leads that didn’t work…
1) Similar issue with an Android 4.1.1 mobile phone. I recently experienced a similar wifi difficulty with a new 4.1.1 Android. In that case, based on Internet research, I found the following suggest that worked (for the phone, but NOT for my B1) – Here was that solution: Force the device to “forgot” the wifi network, and add it manually by typing in the SSID, security mode and password. It worked immediately for the phone. NO luck with B1.
2) Thorough advice re similar Samsung issue… http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/samsung-user-group-136/support-wifi-authentication-error-occurred-4072649.html
The gentleman who posted #11 was heading in the right direction, but none of these suggestions worked for me: i. Unfortunately, I’m stuck using “N” which (according to my router) must use “AES”.
ii. Re-trying right next to the wifi router still didn’t work.
iii. Unfortunately not.
To spare others from a wasted weekend…
1st What’s NOT SOLVED… Acer’s support website still says my SNID and serial #s are “not valid”! (PLEASE help ACER!)
What is SOLVED… I was able to solve the problem with my B1 not getting onto my wifi. The short solution (for me) was… switching wifi from “N-only” to “mixed”.
The problem appears to be between Android 4.1.2 and my wifi router forced into “N-only” mode. Obviously, an Android or Acer solution is needed. (In my case, I will have to log into my router and switch it back and forth between “N-only” and “mixed” depending on which of my troubled devices I be using – Not a “real” solution.)
The symptom I experienced, appears to be common to many phones/wifi routers since Android 4.1.1 (Especially common for Nexus devices and for Samsung on Telsra.) Given that other proposed solutions worked, but not in my case, it seems there may be many issues out there.
I tried the following suggestions that did not work (for me):
>3 all alpha characters
Sensitivity Range (ACK Timing)
0 (which means auto)
In my search, I found many good suggestions:
I also found this great Android App, “Wifi Fixer” which worked in many people’s cases: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.wahtod.wififixer&feature=nav_result (This did not work for me because my change to wifi was what worked.)
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wish to bring u to attention that if using buffalo routers all u need to do is press on the AOSS button located on the router itself and the rest is history.....
cheers and happy surffing.