How can I tell if Acer' erecovery drive for Aspire R11 R3-131T-P is Win 10, not an earlier Win ver?

BuckiRockman Member Posts: 5


edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
I need a better recovery drive  that Acer is offering for the Aspire R11   R3-131T-P  that I bought in 2015  comes with Win 10, not an older version.  I don't want to pay $45+ for a recovery drive that is for an older version of Windows when I have Win 10 on the laptop.


  • BuckiRockman
    BuckiRockman Member Posts: 5


    More Info.  Unfortunately, this is for an issue with the Acer Aspire R11 not booting, but going to a black screen and sticking.  I submitted another question on the Insydeh20 Setup Utility to fix the Boot setup.  I managed to run chkdsk and scf and it fixed it and it worked fine for a week, and then started locking up again.  I ran chkdsk c: /f /r again, but it wouldn't recognize   >scf /scannow to repair the code.  I'm looking at ordering the Acer erecovery disk but I'm concerned that it may have an earlier version of Windows.  I can't remember what this came with in  December 2015, but I think it was an older version  of windows, that I upgraded to Win 10 shortly thereafter.  If the disk drive is bad, I'm not sure it's worth replacing in this old of a laptop.  It may be better to just order a Win 10 repair disk and then download anything else that I need from  Acer (drivers, etc.)  
