Iconia W510 WiFi issues
This is a shout out to the Acer support people.
I got my Iconia W510 today. 2 problems:
1. The WiFi toggle is greyed out and can't be switched on, whether airplane mode is on or off.
2. Some "WiFi direct" thing in Device Manager has an error.
I can find no solutions to these issues. Hope Acer can revert quickly. This is a great product, and its a great shame that it ships with essentially broken WiFi.
i had the same problem until was finally able to connect. once i force update the system and it rebooted, everything seems to work fine now. in fact before updating, all the video apps and sound does not work properly. glad to have the updates but it should have shipped with proper software as the update screen is very well hidden!
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I've got the same issue. How did you force update??
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I had the wi fi issue as well before the update. I went into desktop mode, settings, opened control panel and selected windows updates.
After I did the updates my connections issues were gone.
Hope this helps.
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i swiped to get the charm bar then selected settings - change pc settings - windows update.
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Interesting. I didn't have any driver updates waiting for me on windows update. Switching to a mixed wireless network seemed to do the trick, but that seems silly in this day and age.
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try to turn off wifi security on your router. once you can connect then do whatever updates to your tablet then turn the security back on.
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I too have problems with the wifi on W510, perhaps it is related?
The problem appears after a reboot or when the tablet have been in sleep mode, the network icon in the taskbar has changed to one like normal indicates a cabled connection instead of the wifi icon.
The solution for me is simple, I just have to go to connection center > edit connections. The wifi somehow gets de-activated, and I have to right click and activate it. This happens aprox. every 4th reboot or sleep and is a bit annoying. I hope a update will fix this sooner or later.
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I fixed my wifi problem a few days by traveling to the Samsung driver downloads and downloading the Broadcom ver driver. I believe the driver that came with my Acer was Anyway, the wireless chipset is exactly the same between the Samsung and Acer w510 so updating from the Samsung site is fine. I upgraded the drivers Dec 6 and have not had a dropped connection since.
Here's the link:
Click the "See All Downloads" link
It is sad that Acer, thus far, does not have ANY drivers listed for the W510. Gotta travel to a rival's site to get them.
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I have installed the driver you wrote about and it seemed to work fine for a few days. But today I have experienced same problem again twice, after a reboot my wireless connection is disabled and I have to enable it again manually.
Further I am beginning to experience more problems as other people have described, as the mouse pad not working, the touch screen being disabled after sleep, not starting at all after sleep etc. It seems like Acer have some job to do making fixing updates, and hopefully soon.
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Local acer told me to do recovery to solve this problem, I have to reinstall all applications after that.
I am a fan of atom processor, very sad that Intel launch such a premature product(I don't think acer change anything from Intel referance design). Both Iconia W510 tablet I bought have the same problem. I will not try samsung driver. after all atom tablet was developed by intel witch is famous for ***** driver, we may have to buy usb wifi stick? or intel should give us one, Intel is trying to make themself famous for designing a tablet with a tail with wifi stick? I can help if your answer is yes(eye catching bright and colourfull mini usb to usb adapter?). I recall once I make enquire to MSI about Z540(1.86Ghz) base product, they are willing to sell it to me but underclock @1.33GHz( I was told Intel is fixing the memory problem runing full speed). Dell launch a product at full speed at the same time. Sure, the product fail.
Intel and partners is willing to launch premature product.
I have most of the problem posted here with this tablet.(Lost audio, lost of rotation, mouse pad horizontal movement and wifi(frequent download failure and lost of wifi divice)).
Hope the problems will be fixed soon for this otherwise great product.
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Yes many problems. I think Intel is a step closer to making themself famous for designing a tablet with a tail (mini usb to usb adapter connected to wifi stick). As soon as I post my last post, I lost wifi. 2 factory recovery in 2 weeks. Post this message with another computer.
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Since I upgraded wifi with the Samsung drivers (exact same chipset) nine days ago, I have not lost connection.
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BTW, lenovo has wifi driver ver up. It is the same bcm4330 wifi chipset as the acer w510.
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Thanks for the tip about the updated driver on samsung's site. I just installed it and hope it helps with the issue I've been having where whenever my system awakes from sleep it has lost the wifi connection and takes a while to get it back. What good is "always on" when your network doesn't follow suit! Actually I love "always on" and I love my new W510. I just wish they'd get these early driver bugs out of the way. I'm also having the trackpad issues occasionally.
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Have the same WIFI problems, gona wait after i get mine back from repairs regarding touchpad issue, but after that il try the samsung driver to see if that fixes the problem.
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The lenovo driver (.83) seems a little flakey. So jumped back to the samsung driver (.76). Still no issues with samsung driver.
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The Samsung driver fixed my wi-fi problems. The wi-fi is still connected upon waking the unit from sleep!
Now I'm getting ready to install the driver package that Acer support has for the W510 to see if it fixes my trackpad issue!
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Just be sure the driver package does not reinstall the original wifi driver.
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As I wrote earlier my problems continued with the driver from Samsung, and became even worse. I can't tell if it was caused by the driver, but my W510 had problems restarting and Windows8 referred to the bcmd driver as the problem.
Now I have been in contact with the danish Acer support and we agreed that I reinstall the computer and do some testing and report back to them later. So far my W510 works as a charm on all issues and have done that for 3 days now. The wifi which is the main subject here, has not done any trouble at all, my mousepad works all the time and there has been no problems with sleep mode. So I will write what I,ve done until now in case it is usable for anybody else.
I,ve done a complete format back to factory settings, using the 4 dvd's (System, recovery 1 and 2, and the language dvd). This was a bit of a work, since the W510 denied to load the dvd's, but I found out that you have to disable the boot security in bios, and enable the F12 mode for booting up from a external dvd. After that it goes step by step, though taking a bit of a time.
After installation I disabled the Windows auto update, because the theory is that it is actually Windows 8 causing the problems with Wifi and proberly also with the sleep. Then I downloaded the driver packet from Acer, and installed everything, including the firmware update (I think this is about the same as an bios update?). Here a bit of patience is needed, for me it took very long time and the computer seemed frozen several times.I was tempted to force a restart, but I let it be and finally it was finished.
Now the computer have been working 100% in these 3 days (before I had some kind of problems several times a day)
Until now I have not enabled Windows update, I want to test a bit more on other things before updating Windows. Later I will update one issue at the time and test before the next. If the problems are related to Windows 8 more than to the W510 itself I hope to spot which opdate(s) causing the trouble, and of cause write here later.
English is not my first language, please ad some missing letters yourself :-)
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Good infos!
Regarding the wifi driver I also had huge problems like extremely long boot time and login, impossibility to restart (it would just hang...). i also noticed that it was a problem regarding the wifi driver, so I uninstalled completely all the drivers that were on my acer (only those regarding wifi), I also uninstalled a broadcom software that was installed, rebooted, and used the samsung driver. So far so good , except that the broadcom chipset is not really fast, but at least with the samsung driver I get the best performance out of the three available (Acer, Samsung, Lenovo).
My question here is, did you had any problem with the touchpad before the complete reset? Did the reset fixed it?