Predator XB241H horizontal white lines

jehts Member Posts: 4 New User
edited February 2024 in 2020 Archives

Today i received back my monitor after sending it for repairs. The technicians assured that nothing was wrong with the screen, and thus did not make any changes/repair. Of course, the flaws i sent it back for are still here, and i'm wondering if anyone might know what might be the issue.

I tested with another screen, and the lines didn't appear, so it's unlikely to be a cable or gpu issue.

Here are photos of said lines.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,601 Trailblazer
    Can you see them in the splash screen or when you have the OSD menu up with the computer down? How about when you put the monitor on a different computer? The first one looks like a window that hasn't been fully initialized, which would tend to point at software.
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  • jehts
    jehts Member Posts: 4 New User
    Hello and thanks for taking the time.

    I Unfortunately cannot try on another computer, i have nothing that has a DP port. About the splash screen or computer down, no i cannot say that i see them. It might be a false negative because of the fact that the lines appear mostly on bright background (while gaming, watching videos etc..), but for so time being, let's consider that as a firm "no". Also one thing to note about your theory, is that the lines do not appear in the desktop. Indeed, the bottom left flaw (the one on the first photo) is the exact same size and form of the search windows bar.

    I have no idea if such a thing as the screen not correctly stopping to display a particular window/element (like here the search bar) is even possible, but now that i see it, it's an exact 1:1 replica of said box, it even has the markings in the inside

    What kind of software problem would that be ? the screen's drivers themselves or the graphic drivers maybe?
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,601 Trailblazer
    Given a little time, does it fade away? There is some persistence to any screen but ti usually fades pretty quickly.
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  • jehts
    jehts Member Posts: 4 New User
    No, it stays there. Also, i should mention that the intensity sometimes varies. Some days, it'll be quite bright, with some sort of lightning bolt looking pattern in the inside of the rectangle, some days, like today, it appear very cleanly as the afterimage of the search bar. Right now i can make out very clearly the "magnifying glass" symbol of said bar, surrounded by a straight yet pretty dim rectangle
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,601 Trailblazer
    Can you try the monitor on a different system? I'm coming up blank with what could be the cause, but an leaning a bit toward it being software/GPU rather than monitor...
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  • jehts
    jehts Member Posts: 4 New User
    Again, i do not have access to any other computer systems that have a DP port, and thus cannot try my screen elsewhere. But ,as i said earlier, I do have a second screen, much more basic (60hz, 1920x1080, no gsync or anything fancy) available. I redid the test to make sure i wasn't going crazy, and simply took the DP cable and power cable from my current Predator monitor, switched them over to said secondary screen, and there are no markings on this one.

    To me, it definitively means that the predator screen is the problem, but what is causing that is a mystery. You keep mentioning software, could you give me examples of what you mean? On my side, i can guarantee that no matter the application i use, wether fullscreen youtube or any game really, the white markings are here.

    I also updated my nvidia drivers to the latest version, and it didn't do anything. I would suppose, because of the second screen test, that if something is indeed going wrong in my predator, i would suspect it to be one of the fancy technologies, or a physical defect.

    Obviously, the screen is very much serviceable, but i'm still looking for answers as it is a really heavily priced piece of hardware, and i obviously want it without obvious flaws such as thoses big markings. If you have no more clues to give (and i'm thanksful for the fact that you tried!) I fear i'll have to contact Acer yet again and try again to get something done about it before my warranty expires (very soon)
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,601 Trailblazer
    That sounds like your best bet, but I'm afraid when they connect to a different computer for their tests they won't see it. :( I'm at a loss to envision what could fail in the monitor to give those symptoms...
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