Should I repaste my Helios 300 after 4 weeks?

YgrecPeKa Member Posts: 95 Fixer WiFi Icon
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hi everyone,

when I play FF14 maximum settings, my cpu reach 90° so I want to ask you guys, should I repaste my laptop after 4 weeks? I read the default paste is bad, so I want to know.

Best Answer

  • batmalin
    batmalin Member Posts: 4,231 Guru
    Answer ✓
    You are welcome. Next time if there is a blue screen attach the minidump to check which driver failed.
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  • batmalin
    batmalin Member Posts: 4,231 Guru
    Hi, in case you are not having FPS drops or thermal throttle there is no need to re-paste. Once you start to have problems you may consider re-paste.
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  • YgrecPeKa
    YgrecPeKa Member Posts: 95 Fixer WiFi Icon
    I'm ok with you. Just a weird thing happend yesterday. I played League of Legends and suddenly I lost my wifi connexion and my laptop just stopped and reboot itself. I don't think it was about the cpu temp because LoL don't make my cpu reach above 70°
    What do you think?
  • batmalin
    batmalin Member Posts: 4,231 Guru
    Well it could be anything, the game, the OS, wifi driver...was there a blue screen?
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  • YgrecPeKa
    YgrecPeKa Member Posts: 95 Fixer WiFi Icon
    Not at all, just a reboot
    Anyway I will repaste if I need it
    thanks for your answers :)
  • batmalin
    batmalin Member Posts: 4,231 Guru
    Answer ✓
    You are welcome. Next time if there is a blue screen attach the minidump to check which driver failed.
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