XB271HK False advertising. Panel is NOT 10 bit and DOES NOT Support 1.07 Billion colors.

BoredNerd Member Posts: 2 New User
edited February 2024 in 2019 Archives

After reading countless articles and complains and testing for myself I have a conclusion on XB271HK unit.


Despite advertising it as 10 bit with ability to display 1.07 billion colors it simply a lie. Unless Acer can point out what people doing wrong and how come after taking all proper steps 10 bit is not activating I am calling XB271HK a product with false advertisement.


My Setup.


EVGA 1080ti GPU with DisplayPort Cable connected to XB271HK.

I tried several cables all available DP ports and drivers.


Some people saying they did a research and it looks like XB271HK is not a true 10 Bit panel but it’s using what's called FRC and Dithering. Well, I call BS on that as well because I don't see anywhere that ACER specifies that 1.07B colors are achieved using FRC. I'll tell you more some may suggest that because I have consumer GPU and not Quattro or AMD Firesomething it's not working. Well that's a BS because 10bit according to Nvidia supported in all GTX cards from 200 series.


As you can see I am upset and helpless because I was looking forward to this so much. Anyhow, don't get me wrong I LOVE this monitor. IT's AAAAMAZING. But I want to have what I paid for. And I paid for 10 bit monitor. In my understanding all my hardware support 10 bit so what is going on?


Apologizing for a little bit of QQ, but if anyone who actually knows the subject and can may be get some links answer, I am not sure if Acer monitoring this forum but I'd love to hear from them why our very expensive monitor is not doing what they said it will.


Thank you guys!



  • drixs2050
    drixs2050 Member Posts: 1 New User
    right click on desktop, go to display settings, go to advanced display setting, take a screen shot to see, windows should show the bit depth of that monitor.
  • DenisDG
    DenisDG Member Posts: 14


    edited October 2019
    BoredNerd, look here.
    I've had the same questions to Acer. Answers made me angry!
  • DenisDG
    DenisDG Member Posts: 14


    edited October 2019
    BoredNerd, and by the way, you can set 10-bits color output even on my NVidia GTX 1060, of coarse if monitor supports it (appeared that my monitor is not). It's not matters if monitor uses FRC or something else, because it just a method of displaying more colors than monitor's matrix can. But in order to work any such method should receive more bits (10-bits in our case) output from videocard.