what graphic card should I use with the 32" ET322QU Display

jgt1942 Member Posts: 10


edited February 2024 in 2019 Archives
In my CPU tower, I currently have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 graphics card. I just got my two 32" ET322QU monitors only to discover the cables I currently use are NOT compatible with the new displays. I really stretched the budget to get the two monitors thus I'm really bummed out I found a possible solution "DP DisplayPort Male to DVI Female Video Converter Adapter for PC Display Laptop Black 10cm" at https://www.newegg.com/p/15Z-008J-00032?item=9SIAFZ49669450&ignorebbr=1&source=region&nm_mc=knc-googlemkp-pc&cm_mmc=knc-googlemkp-pc-_-pla-bengoo-_-accessories+-+monitors-_-9SIAFZ49669450&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6IfoBRCiARIsAF6q06u4nuowMCIkrC9CTXVwGzLPGs7GFU8-BSWfLDw1ThtOxdABH2IWHWIaAtB-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Will this work? If not what do you suggest?


  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Good night jgt1942 !

    The truth is that most adapters do not always solve.
    Only some converters.
    Do you want to use 2 monitors on the same card in extended mode?

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  • jgt1942
    jgt1942 Member Posts: 10


    I currently have 2 - 24" monitors connected to the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 graphics card. Both have a female DVI connector. The GTX 470 has two DVI outputs, e.g. one for each monitor. I purchased the two 32" ET322QU monitors to replace my two 24" monitors. Yes I plan to use both monitors in extended mode just as I do now. The two 32" offer much more screen space. I'm not a gamer and most likely will not play games. I mainly want more space to display my documents and webpages. I almost always have about 20 windows open at the same time and being able to display more on my monitors just allows me to quickly move between windows. I do sometimes edit videos but I'm not very knowledgable and my editing is a bit amateur at best. Currently, I use a 3-meter  cable for each monitor as the main display cable. My monitors set on the corner of my U shaped desk and the CPU is under the desk using the other leg of the U. The 3-meter cables were necessary because the distance was too great for the cables that came with the monitors. They have been working great for about 9 years but as I get older I need larger monitors and I want to see more at the same time. With the 24" monitors basically, I can see one window on each monitor. With the two 32" monitors I should be able to see at least 4 windows at the same time. Currently, I don't see any degradation on either display.

  • jgt1942
    jgt1942 Member Posts: 10


    I've been doing more research and I don't think the adaptor I suggested above will work. As I understand most likely it is a "single Link" and supports a max resolution of 1920 x 1200. I need a  dual link adaptor that can display a resolution of 2560 x 1600 or higher. To support a higher resolution than this I'd need a better graphics card. I think the "VisionTek 900639 DisplayPort to Dual Link DVI-D Active Adapter (M/F)", see https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16812996113?Description=DisplayPort%20Display%20Port%20to%20DVI%20Converter%20Adapter%20Cable&cm_re=DisplayPort_Display_Port_to_DVI_Converter_Adapter_Cable-_-12-996-113-_-Product will work but I'm not 100% sure.
  • jgt1942
    jgt1942 Member Posts: 10


    I did order a dual link adapter and just connected it but it is not working. Possibly the cable running from the graphics card to the monitor does not support dual link or the adapter does not work or I've done something else wrong. I connected the monitor to my PC with an HDMI cable and the monitor does work at 1600x900 resolution. I'm trying to determine what the max the laptop will support as a test. Bummer the laptop will support a max of 1600x900.

    Back to my NVIDIA GTX 470 Graphic card, it will support 
    Two dual-link DVI outputs for digital flat panel display resolutions up to 2560×1600. The HDMI support is HDMI 1.4a but I don't know what the resolution is unless this statement from the spec sheet tells me "HDCP support up to 2560×1600 resolution on all digital outputs". Possibly I could get another GTX 470, I saw a few on ebay for less than $40. A new card with the proper support is over $200 and at this time out of the budget. 
  • jgt1942
    jgt1942 Member Posts: 10


    OK I finally got some cables that work using the DP connector on the graphic card and HDMI on the monitor. I'm running at a resolution of 2560x1440 (max for the monitors) on each monitor. My max resolution that the card will support is 2560x1600.
  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    So the question was just the cables?
    Did you solve it?

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  • jgt1942
    jgt1942 Member Posts: 10


    I've got the monitors now working by using a DP connection on my NVIDIA GTX 470 graphic card and the HDMI connector on the two monitors. The card has only one HDMI connector thus I had to use the DP connections. Now if I can get the vertical adjustment on one of my monitors working I should be OK.
  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Then accept the answers that helped you to collaborate with others on the forum!

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    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

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