XB241H G-sync not working

bonsk0 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 14 in 2019 Archives
I used Nvidia inspector to limit framerate to 140 Hz and enable G-sync indicator.  When I'm playing fortnite, I see that the indicator states that g-sync is on, but I can still notice tearing on things like trees and streetlights.  I have v sync turned off in game settings and when I turn it on, the game is limited to 60 fps.  I'm using a displayport cable from my gtx 1070.  It seems like either I'm missing a setting somewhere or my monitor's g-sync doesn't work.  I'm not sure right now if it works in other games or not, but I can check if that could help solve my problem.  Here's my application settings for fortnite in Nvidia control panel. 


  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Good night bonsk0 !

    Ideally check in other games.
    Fortinite often causes some errors in G-Sync activation.
    Take a look at the links:



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