Does anyone know how to contact 'hardware' support? And how to make a formal complain?

lisan173 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited September 2023 in 2019 Archives
Hello, I am new in this community. I registered because the chat support told me that they can only manage sotware problems, and I should ask here (in this community) about my problem.
I have an Acer Aspire E5-575G-58TF notebook. One month ago (as far as i remember) it start to crashes and freeze. At the begining I though ir was not an actual reason. Then i realize it froze with every knock or hit it has. It is not good to knock or hit the notbook, but the problem is that it freezes with the more slightly and gentle knock you can imagine. Realizing that, i start to think something wrong is in it. 
I open it, look inside, nothing look weird. Then i close it, but the problems remain. One friend of mine told me that it could be a RAM problem, so i give that option a try and i made some tests. 
I changed ram memory cards of slots. Same problem.
I removed one of the memory from the slot, problem did not happend. I changed the ram memory card for the another, using the same slot than before. Problem did not happend.
I changed of slot and plug one of the memory card, leaving the already tested slot empty. Problem apeared again.

So it looks like i have one of the soquets not working. After that, i look in detail at the ram memory cards, and also de plug slots. Everything looks fine, with a little exception. One single pin, of one of the sockets is completly corroded. (Just one single and alone pin).

I have never pour water over it, or never beeing in a humid place, or any direct contact with water. So, my first question (to the support group) is how is it possible to find corrosion inside it. And even worst, how it is possible to have one single and alone pin oxidize? (this part is very weird). Thinking of it I assume that this defect should have being introduced in the manufacturing process, leading to my second question.... how do i make a formal complain of this?

I thank you in advance for any information you can provide.


  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Good night lisan173 !

    In which country or region do you live?
    USA or Argentina?

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  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    >>>how it is possible to have one single and alone pin oxidize? (this part is very weird). >>>

    You have done very nice tests to determine the cause. Very good detective work! But this is not too weird for electro-plated contacts especially in humid environments. No plating process is perfect over all areas. Corrosion usually starts in the least perfectly plated areas. Hopefully not too many. You only have one. I recommend that you try to repeatedly reseat the module into the slot a dozen or so times to try to help clean the corrosion off the contact. This may resolve the problem for quite some time before you probably must repeat the process. I like to think of this as routine maintenance that you seem to be very capable of performing.  :) Jack E/NJ   

    Jack E/NJ