BSOD after playing games

d0nK Member Posts: 5


edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
My laptop is a Predator Helios 300 and I've had it now for about half a year now. In these past 3 days I've been getting BSOD randomly, but it only happens whenever I stop or exit from playing a game not while playing it. It's a Stop Code type "whea uncorrectable error" which I've read around that it can be pretty serious but hard to determine the source of the problem.

I've also had stuttering issues since I purchased it but personally it never bothered me that much. It also had temperature issues while gaming rocketing over 90°C but I've solved it by undervolting my laptop. Now it steadily stays bellow 75°C which was the best I could drop it.

The games I've had this issue so far have been with Monster Hunter World and Distance. MHW is a very heavy game and it's the only one that rises temperature to 75°C and sometimes reaching 80°C. 
Whilst Distance which is a very soft game stays around 60°C. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to computer stuff so I'm hoping someone can give me a hint on what I should do before this issue gets any worse.

Laptop specs:
  • CPU: i7-7700HQ

  • GPU: GTX 1060 6GB (driver version: 417.88)

  • RAM: 16GB

  • HDD: 1 TB, 5400 RPM

  • Display: 1920x1080, 60Hz

  • Bios: v1.08



  • ven98
    ven98 ACE Posts: 4,073 Pathfinder
    How much have you undervolted by? Maybe the reason for the BSOD is too much undervolt, so you can try increasing the voltage a bit to see if the issue will keep persisting.
    Always post the following characterisitcs of the device:
    -Model number
    -Part number(not required, but helpful)
    -Operating system

    Helios 300 and Nitro 5 users DO NOT update the BIOS to version 1.22 if you don't want the keyboard's backlight to turn off after 30 seconds even when the device is plugged in.

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  • d0nK
    d0nK Member Posts: 5


    edited March 2019
    How much have you undervolted by? Maybe the reason for the BSOD is too much undervolt, so you can try increasing the voltage a bit to see if the issue will keep persisting.
    Before undervolting the Core usually ran with 1.55V - 1.7V which was the source of the temperature issues. After undervolting the core usually stays at
    0.55V - 0.8V, basically I reduced the voltage by about 125mV.

    But this never caused me BSOD or any problem in particular when i started using it for the past 2 months. So I have no idea why it should do so now.

    I'll give it a try tho and see if the error still persists without undervolting.
  • d0nK
    d0nK Member Posts: 5


    @ven98 So I've just confirmed that undervolting isn't the issue, Played MHW for a while again with no undervolt and right after closing the game it gave me the same BSOD. I can still use the laptop for anything else but it looks like prolonged gaming activity causes the BSOD to happen, since if I open and close the game for a short period of time doesn't seem to trigger it.
  • d0nK
    d0nK Member Posts: 5


    UPDATE: not sure if it will help but I've used BlueScreenViewer to analyze my dmp files. In both cases the highlighted drivers in red were apparently the cause of the crash.

  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,874 Pathfinder
    edited March 2019
    d0nK said:
    My laptop is a Predator Helios 300 and I've had it now for about half a year now. In these past 3 days I've been getting BSOD randomly, but it only happens whenever I stop or exit from playing a game not while playing it. It's a Stop Code type "whea uncorrectable error" which I've read around that it can be pretty serious but hard to determine the source of the problem.
    What changed in the last two days?
    Windows updates?
    Drivers updates?

    Disable driver and bios update via windows update to have control over drivers installed.

    "whea uncorrectable error" is a driver related issue. Check for any silent driver updates that may have happened.
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  • d0nK
    d0nK Member Posts: 5


    edited March 2019
    Sorry for not updating but I believe the issue has been solved...I think. Yesterday I also posted about my issue on Microsoft forums for other opinions on the matter. An advisor took a look at my dmp files and gave me possible solutions for which one of them included uninstalling Avast antivirus as it was reportedly known to be sometimes the cause of the issue.

    Since it was the easiest solution from the many he advised I tested it first and lo and behold it was apparently the source of it. Ever since uninstalling it I haven't run into the same BSOD after closing games. Can't believe this is all it really took to fix this -_-"

    btw no drivers were updated or installed before the 1rst day the BSOD started popping up on my laptop.

    I'll be updating if the problem ever surges again as I still have my doubts of it being gone this easily.

    Here's the Link of the my Microsoft forum post for if anyone's having the same issue:
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,874 Pathfinder
    d0nK said:
    Sorry for not updating but I believe the issue has been solved...I think. Yesterday I also posted about my issue on Microsoft forums for other opinions on the matter. An advisor took a look at my dmp files and gave me possible solutions for which one of them included uninstalling Avast antivirus as it was reportedly known to be sometimes the cause of the issue.

    Since it was the easiest solution from the many he advised I tested it first and lo and behold it was apparently the source of it. Ever since uninstalling it I haven't run into the same BSOD after closing games. Can't believe this is all it really took to fix this -_-"

    btw no drivers were updated or installed before the 1rst day the BSOD started popping up on my laptop.

    I'll be updating if the problem ever surges again as I still have my doubts of it being gone this easily.

    Here's the Link of the my Microsoft forum post for if anyone's having the same issue:
    I would strongly suggest against uninstalling anti virus! I have been using Avast (the antivirus in question) since 2012, on windows 7 as well as windows 10 systems.
    It is not about the antivirus, nor am i supporting it, but more wondering why an antivirus was the issue in your case. Also, if an external antivirus is the issue, I would be surprised at how majority of our work laptops are working (we upgraded over 80% to 10 from 7) and all these use non MS antivirus and other anti malwares.
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