Washed out colors on xz321qu

Leito Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 2024 in 2019 Archives
Hi all, i just bought the xz321qu and i am facing some serious washed out colours all of the sudden. I noticed it gets resolved when i change the output color format from RGB to YCbCr442 in the nvidia control panel. But on some games it looks even more ***** (bf5). I also tried the 2 options on RGB, limited and full, still super gray collors..
I hope someone can help me with this!


  • onthebackwheel
    onthebackwheel Member Posts: 3 New User
    I'm using the standard settings without SRGB and it seems to be fantastic. Using the SRGB settings seems to turn everything down a bit. Could be because the panel uses a wider colour gamut? 
  • Guardian
    Guardian Member Posts: 2 New User
    This is how I fixed the problem:
    1. Go to NVIDIA Control Panel.
    2. In the Display section, select Change resolution.
    3. Select your monitor from the list on section 1.
    4. Scroll down to section 3 "Apply the following settings."
    5. Click on the Use NVIDIA color settings section.
    6. On the Output color format dropdown, select any of the options there: YCbr422 or YCbr444.
    7. Click the Apply button.
    8. Your screen will flicker. Press No to go revert to previous setting (RGB).
    9. Your colors should be back to normal.
    Here's a screenshot for easier reference:

    Hope this helps.