How do I fix my chrome book if it says OS is missing or damaged??? Need help asap

Robrob2303 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
the model of my laptop is a chromebook 
(YUNA D25-C3F-J8A-A7T) 
it says chrome OS is missing or damaged. Please insert a recovery USB stick or SD card. 
Is there anyway to fix my laptop without using a usb or sd card? 
I tried the esc+refresh+power & then ctrl+d & then pressing enter but it doesn’t do anything . Still brings me to the same screen . 
I need my laptop ASAP for my classes , please help


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,823 Pathfinder
    edited November 2018
    Please try the steps in the below weblink :
    reinstall the Chrome OS without recovery media

    If internal recovery fails, you need to try restoring your Chromebook using USB recovery media.

    create recovery media  

    reinstall the Chrome OS with a USB Recovery

    Hit 'Like' if you find the answer helpful!   
    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    When the "Chrome OS is missing or damaged" screen pops up, it's almost inevitable that a recovery will be necessary. Someone in the dorm or at home should be able to lend you their device/internet connection/usb drive for a Chrome OS Reinstall. Definitely use the model number you cited above, instead of the model number on the SNID label. The reinstall takes about 10 minutes. So the faster you get it done, the faster you can get back to academics.