Low fps Helios 300

Pishiparker Member Posts: 2 New User
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
Hi, I have a Helios 300 with the gtx 1060 i7 7th gen and this is technically my first gaming computer (laptop) and I was watching this video https://youtu.be/nq10QAgknFU and he has 112 average fps in Fortnite (High details) while i’m having around 80-100 fps IN LOW! lol so I know the laptop in the video has an i7 8th gen but there’s not much difference lol and they both have 16gb RAM. So I was wondering what’s wrong with my Helios? Why is it that weak? Thanks people, hope you can help me.


  • Keicchan
    Keicchan Member Posts: 48 Devotee WiFi Icon
    edited November 2018
    2 things...
    your cpu has a turbooboost of 3.8 his cpu of 4.1 u have 4/8 cores he has 6/12 cores... and type of ram (low cas and oc rams) can squize more fps from his system compared to a stock one (with normal cas latency)....
    in fortnite he hs 27% cpu utilization "average" from all the core... and u dont know his true bios/overclock/hardware settings.. what u can see it's that that pc running 3.9 as cpu core average.. u can reach 3.4 - 3.45 average (supposing u have a 7700 hq) with one core boosting at 3.8..  his gpu it's a 98% utilization... meaning he has no bottleneck from the cpu and can use the full power of the gpu.. what's your status in the same game? are u sure the cpu it's not bottlenecking your performance? u can unlock max turboboost on all the core ? this will get a huge performance leap.. (at cons of thermals, but with some downvolts and fine fans curve probably u can keep it cool enough)

    for better comparative u have to run some test with the in game visualization of data (use afterburner for it)

    with some cpu bound games with the 7700hq i found that setting Cpu priority of that application (the game program in task manager) one step above normal will help with fps when seems that the cpu it's not truly pushed hard.. (give it a try, my case senario it's mechwarrior online where the cpu seems to be in a holiday due to bad optimizations of the game and i've nothing else causing cpu load in the pc.)

  • Pishiparker
    Pishiparker Member Posts: 2 New User
    Keicchan said:
    2 things...
    your cpu has a turbooboost of 3.8 his cpu of 4.1 u have 4/8 cores he has 6/12 cores... and type of ram (low cas and oc rams) can squize more fps from his system compared to a stock one (with normal cas latency)....
    in fortnite he hs 27% cpu utilization "average" from all the core... and u dont know his true bios/overclock/hardware settings.. what u can see it's that that pc running 3.9 as cpu core average.. u can reach 3.4 - 3.45 average (supposing u have a 7700 hq) with one core boosting at 3.8..  his gpu it's a 98% utilization... meaning he has no bottleneck from the cpu and can use the full power of the gpu.. what's your status in the same game? are u sure the cpu it's not bottlenecking your performance? u can unlock max turboboost on all the core ? this will get a huge performance leap.. (at cons of thermals, but with some downvolts and fine fans curve probably u can keep it cool enough)

    for better comparative u have to run some test with the in game visualization of data (use afterburner for it)

    with some cpu bound games with the 7700hq i found that setting Cpu priority of that application (the game program in task manager) one step above normal will help with fps when seems that the cpu it's not truly pushed hard.. (give it a try, my case senario it's mechwarrior online where the cpu seems to be in a holiday due to bad optimizations of the game and i've nothing else causing cpu load in the pc.)

    Alright, i’ll play today for like an hour so I can tell you my stats (with afterburner), i’m pretty sure I have bottleneck and all that, Sorry I’m not that expert on this stuff. Thanks for replying! 
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,874 Pathfinder
    Alright, i’ll play today for like an hour so I can tell you my stats (with afterburner), i’m pretty sure I have bottleneck and all that, Sorry I’m not that expert on this stuff. Thanks for replying! 
    Also you might not know his level of optimization on laptop - optimizing windows, undervolting CPU and GPU - these might seem a lot at first, but once done they stay in place, and bring down temperatures by over 20 degree centigrade and this in turn would boost performance. You might want to look at pinned posts or posts by me that detail how to do optimize your system for maximizing performance.
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  • Keicchan
    Keicchan Member Posts: 48 Devotee WiFi Icon
    tips:for in game visualizzation u have to install the "
    Keicchan said:
    2 things...
    your cpu has a turbooboost of 3.8 his cpu of 4.1 u have 4/8 cores he has 6/12 cores... and type of ram (low cas and oc rams) can squize more fps from his system compared to a stock one (with normal cas latency)....
    in fortnite he hs 27% cpu utilization "average" from all the core... and u dont know his true bios/overclock/hardware settings.. what u can see it's that that pc running 3.9 as cpu core average.. u can reach 3.4 - 3.45 average (supposing u have a 7700 hq) with one core boosting at 3.8..  his gpu it's a 98% utilization... meaning he has no bottleneck from the cpu and can use the full power of the gpu.. what's your status in the same game? are u sure the cpu it's not bottlenecking your performance? u can unlock max turboboost on all the core ? this will get a huge performance leap.. (at cons of thermals, but with some downvolts and fine fans curve probably u can keep it cool enough)

    for better comparative u have to run some test with the in game visualization of data (use afterburner for it)

    with some cpu bound games with the 7700hq i found that setting Cpu priority of that application (the game program in task manager) one step above normal will help with fps when seems that the cpu it's not truly pushed hard.. (give it a try, my case senario it's mechwarrior online where the cpu seems to be in a holiday due to bad optimizations of the game and i've nothing else causing cpu load in the pc.)

    Alright, i’ll play today for like an hour so I can tell you my stats (with afterburner), i’m pretty sure I have bottleneck and all that, Sorry I’m not that expert on this stuff. Thanks for replying! 

    i'm not an helios 300 expert, your bios it's unlocked? u can push the turbo at 3.8 on all cores?! this would help a lot. What are your actual temps while gaming?1
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,874 Pathfinder
    Keicchan said:
    i'm not an helios 300 expert, your bios it's unlocked? u can push the turbo at 3.8 on all cores?! this would help a lot. What are your actual temps while gaming?1
    Unlocking bios will void all kinds of warranty. Do it only at your own risk!
    Also, you can get better FPS optimizing your windows and using tweaks like undervolting and such. Please have a look at pinned posts for info on how to do this.
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