My Aspire One D257 netbook died. Can't get any help from Acer.

Meowface Member Posts: 8 New User
The HDD crashed on my Acer Aspire One D257 3 months after I bought it. I want to order the Recovery thumb drive from Acer but when I enter my SNID I'm told there is no recovery RCD. What nonsense is this? Never buying Acer again.


  • Blayn-Acer
    Blayn-Acer Administrator Posts: 2,355 Community Administrator

    What country are you in? You could always try contacting tech support for your region to order software. If you reply with your serial number, I will see if we have the software available.

  • Meowface
    Meowface Member Posts: 8 New User
    I'm in Canada. I did finally get some help. I will need to puchase the rescue CD's from Acer and then purchase an external CD drive to run them. Acer really didn't think this through when designing the netbook. I understand if it had crashed with Windows 8 running I could get a thumb drive instead of the CD's. Seriously...not buying Acer again.
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