Firmware upgrade on P6600

Fireh Member Posts: 5


edited February 2024 in 2018 Archives

I have recieved a new firmware (P6500_DDP_C08_Full_0x5F66B9A2_Skip64K_0x5EBC2095.img) for this projector, but we are unable to install it and need help in what to to. The instructions that I got was "put it on a USB memory stick and insert in the USB Mini B-port and switch to the USB B source".
Well, there are no memory sticks with USB Mini B connector, but with an adapter "USB A female to USB Mini B male" I can physicly connect it. But I don't know if it works since the USB Mini B in the projector is the "wrong end" to put a memory stick if you look at USB specifications. Traditionally that specific USB port is connected to a computer, but I don't know if that is the way to go here? But if so I would imagine I need a program to upload the img-file. Anyway, with the memory plugged in as described it's not possible to go to the USB B source, I get an icon that looks like a remote with a red crossed circle above. The USB memory stick used is 8 GB formatted with FAT32, if that would be the problem.
The manual for the projector only says that this port is for firmware upgrades, but not how to do it.


  • Fireh
    Fireh Member Posts: 5


    I have a bit more information after my last try. I have now also tried a 2 GB FAT-formatted USB memory stick, but no difference. I did however notice another thing since that memory stick have a red LED that is usually lit when connected to a computer. It does not turn on when inserted in the Mini B in the projector. That tells med that either the Mini B port does not give voltage or that the adapter does not work for this. Just in case I tried it in the 5V Out USB A-port in the projector as well, there it blinks. So I'm back to thinking that it's not as simple as the instructions I got.