Ubuntu Install fails on a brandnew Aspire ES1-732-412

camcor Member Posts: 4 New User
edited April 2024 in Aspire Laptops

A few weeks ago meanwhile I bought a new Acer Aspire ES1-732-412 Laptop. Came with Windows 10 preinstalled which never was a problem in the past. Very 1st thing I do is to install Ubuntu Linux on the laptop, completely cleaning Windows from the partition in that process ("erase entire disk and install Ubuntu"). With previous laptops that always was a simple and straightforward action, took about 1/2h and I had an intelligent, usable OS. This time however it's a freaking tragedy. 

UEFI Boot mode, not changeable from the BIOS, secure boot is disabled. Starting up from the Linux DVD works, the 'install Ubuntu' line can be selected and the installation comences. Language, location, keyboard setup, erase partition choice, all that could still be selected as usual. Did so. Installation proceeded. But after about 20 minutes the screen said <failed to install boot loader, fatal error> - and then froze. I tried the entire process again, now it has become super slow and freezes right after <Install Ubuntu.>

I have a brand new laptop here which I cannot use. I need it for work and time is running. Just wanted to install the OS of my choice. And I very much hope that it's not an issue like the highly interesting one described here.

Because that would mean to me that also Acer is trying to put its customers under tutelage now.
Why do I dare to write that:
I have bought this laptop with my state of information being that I can install any OS of my choice on it. Obviously renouncing at warranty services then which only are provided for the Windows install version. So far, so fair enough. But *nowhere* have I read or heard any information about Windows being enabled now to prevent the installation of other OS on a new ACER laptop ***by the hardware producer's own settings*** - in other words, with the active help of hardware producers and vendors. Had I known that beforehand I certainly would not have bought this laptop.


Very welcome any enlightenment on this.  Still hoping it is a resolvable technical issue which I just haven't figured out yet.



  • camcor
    camcor Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thanks for your quick response, much appreciated - with a Kudo! ;-)

    I did install a 64 bit version, that one <ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso> taken from here.
    And contrary to what is described in the post thread you linked to, my installation proceeds fine until it gets to the section <install the grub2 package> - and then freezzes up. And stays frozen / hanging.


    My state of info says that installing Ubuntu without that grub 2 package is pointless since you can't boot the system afterwards right? Asking since on that frozen screen there's a button that says <skip>  which makes me wonder what would happen if I would skip installation of that grub 2 package part.

    Anyone aware of a smart trick in that matter?

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    ok about the grub issue but another user from that thread, reported a Debian grub error, so i thought it was similar to your issue.


    i don't know if this will fix your issue but there's a BIOS update dated 02/22/2017 with improved performances.

    the main issue is...the BIOS flasher works only under windows enviroment


    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • camcor
    camcor Member Posts: 4 New User

    Windows by now is gone from the laptop....

  • camcor
    camcor Member Posts: 4 New User

    This thread could be marked as closed, but the original problem never solved. The Acer laptop was eventually given back to the shop where it had been bought. Staff there sent it in to their techical services center. It came back with the info that also Acer had the same problem as Lenovo and that due to hardware constraints now in place, apparently indeed no Linux can be installed on that Acer laptop. No idea if that's actually 100% true or if everyone's technical bravery and time was just limited here - mine was. We were then given the opportunity to exchange the Acer for a HP and went with that. HP being a different opera still, some WiFi network drivers are missing there so after installation it misses the Realtek RTL8188ee wireless driver. But at least Ubuntu 16 *was* now installed within 20 minutes and the rest works just fine. On we go...thanks eveybody here for the responses!

    Btw the shop staff said their technicians had done a BIOS upgrade on the laptop. Because it also was extremely slow with everything. Did not help a bit.

  • goldnate
    goldnate Member Posts: 3 New User
    This Ubuntu forum answer got me to be able to install Peppermint OS on my Acer Spin 1:
    Look for the answer with the many numbered steps about halfway down the page.

This discussion has been closed.